
The Time Trust said:Don't worry, Euro -- your post and all the "Caliburnus" stuff worked out just fine with what I'm doing with the character, and though it was a bit of a surprise to see that show up right now, it was a pleasant surprise nonetheless.

I did it mainly to show that the "Eternal champion" aspect of Euro is not gone, as (like I explained in my solo thread) it was not Ladnikia's fault the visions from ancient heroes perspective, as they are caused by the Sundial amulet.
It was a lot of time that I had not written one of those vision... (from issue 13, when Euro had his last fight) so I wanted to reintroduce it. It's a thing that ties the Raptor to the contemporary version of Hawkman, and is a nice wink, I think, to one of the aspect of TOMB's Nemo.

By the way, I would like to see how the heroes react to the presence of Euro. He has been a real asshole before leaving, how the felt with him back? and what about the two years old Eddie (that the team had the time of just a few days, after issue 13, to get accustomed to?)