Holy shiznick! That was quick.

Okay....one at a time....


Originally Posted by Grimm:
Answer my question!

....there was a question?


Originally Posted by TTT:
I don't want to have the team away from earth for a year (our time) because that would put a cramp in a lot of off-team character development I'd like to do.

I don't see the stories as taking that long. Or do you mean within the story? As in the fictional timeframe, or the real one?

And, as for "off-team character development" that you want to do, might I suggest a Solo Thread?


Also, I do plan on alternating between Mason Templar and Axel Magus once the boy comes into his own as a sorcerer, and I won't be able to switch between characters from story to story if it takes too long to write this story arc you propose.

Well, if the stories are supposed to follow "real-time", then, how on Earth can Axel age from twelve-to-eighteen so soon? I mean, that's about the age-limit a business like Vanguard would have to impose, if nothing else, due mainly to insurance laws, and the like. Just curious.


I can foresee it getting excruciatingly boring if we find the team stranded out in space and everyone runs out of ideas to keep the team occupied.

No. They are only gone as long as we (as a group) want them gone. No more, no less.


So anyway, I'm for doing it sooner than later IF it's written in a more streamlined way and done much more quickly than our usual lazy, half-assed pace.

I'm for doing it naturally, and letting whatever juices the writers here have, flow as needed. I don't think a time limit should be enforced, just because you have ideas that you want to do for your character. If it happens fast, fine. If it happens slow, fine. It's all in how the group, as a whole, progresses it.


Originally Posted by Phil:
If that's the case, Pro, then I've got important stuff I want to work in in the near future, as part of like #16 or #17.


No, no, no. Phil....

This is exactly what I'm trying to get away from.

This "Legion Lost"-type set-up is designed so that only the main characters (that means either Phil, or, Leslie) are focused on. There should be pretty much NO personal subplots brought along on this journey.

I don't want this to be about Phil's secrets, Raptor's son, Ozzy's past, Axel's parents, or anything ELSE extraneous to the main idea of exploration, survival, and interaction between the main characters themselves.

Now, if you are talking about doing this "important" stuff before or after the "Lost" concept, then, fine. Other than that, I stand by my two cents.


Originally Posted by Euro:
In any case, I have no reservations about doing that, if I Euro can brings Eddie along. If not, I'll have to use a different character.

No offense, Euro. I really, really like the character of Raptor. But, I couldn't care less about his "son". And, just due to the very nature of the type of story I would love seen done, I wouldn't want Eddie along for the ride. Same thing with any of the supporting cast.


We could also go "biweekly" and have two parallel stories, in two different threads, to show the adventures of the stranded heroes in one, and the efforts of the Vanguard "staff" to find them (or to replace them for the benefit of the company, in the case they would be though dead - if the story dictates so).

I like this idea okay, if everyone is dying to keep an eye on the "Status Quo"-ensemble. Though, and I must say, I would really be against having any connection whatsoever to whatever's happening in this "La Perdita/Secondary Characters Thread". Odds are, I won't even read it, therefore, I don't want to have to research it to have it match up with the "Lost" story, or, to understand certain plot points.

Personally, I don't think there should be a parallel thread. That would take away from the focus on the main story. I think the point of this story is so that we CAN get away from the norm, and not care about it at all for an entire story.
