
According to the Talking Arse:
This "Legion Lost"-type set-up is designed so that only the main characters (that means either Phil, or, Leslie) are focused on. There should be pretty much NO personal subplots brought along on this journey.

I don't want this to be about Phil's secrets, Raptor's son, Ozzy's past, Axel's parents, or anything ELSE extraneous to the main idea of exploration, survival, and interaction between the main characters themselves.

Fair enough. Given the level of creativity we have, that ought to be enough to keep us all quite occupied for a while. I actually wasn't talking about doing other stuff as part of your idea... sucka' foo'.

So damn picky about his rules...


Now, if you are talking about doing this "important" stuff before or after the "Lost" concept, then, fine. Other than that, I stand by my two cents.

Hang onto that - that's about sixty-eight Russian rubles! I'm game. Let's see what you do with your idea... just please give me at least half this next story (chronologically speaking) to uncover some stuff, otherwise I'll have to reveal Phil's origins in a solo thread, which would totally kill the suspense.

But anyway, I got a band show this weekend, and I've been running on four hours' sleep a night. Tonight I get some extra sleepy-time, so for now, I'm down like the toilet seat at a feminists' convention...


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