
Date: Sat, 07 Feb 2004 14:20:08 -0500
To: "Alpha" <alpha_omega_kid@yahoo.com>
From: "YAHOO" <jgarzik@mundoanimal.com> Add to Address Book
Subject: _Your_ Yahoo!_ ID (alpha_omega_kid@yahoo.com)

Dear Yahoo` C|ients,

This* _email inform you TH@T your_ YAH0O _id_ (alpha_omega_kid@yahoo.com)
_will_ be BL0CKED @FTER 29 days (_as_ after autoomateed reegisttration) _if_ You _will_
not s!gnup _on_ _Yahoo_ White _list_ (to sign up - cl1ck here: http://Alpha.yahoo.com/)

That is done - beecause _we_ update now Yahoo* not` autoomateed reegistered @CCOUNTs.


And that's terrible.