Date: Sat, 07 Feb 2004 14:20:08 -0500
To: "Alpha" <>
From: "YAHOO" <> Add to Address Book
Subject: _Your_ Yahoo!_ ID (
Dear Yahoo` C|ients,
This* _email inform you TH@T your_ YAH0O _id_ (
_will_ be BL0CKED @FTER 29 days (_as_ after autoomateed reegisttration) _if_ You _will_
not s!gnup _on_ _Yahoo_ White _list_ (to sign up - cl1ck here:
That is done - beecause _we_ update now Yahoo* not` autoomateed reegistered @CCOUNTs.
I laugh everytime I get an email sent to my Yahoo account saying that my ebay account has something wrong with it. Ebay doesnt let you register with Yahoo or Hotmail accounts as your email address,so anyone one who falls for their trick is either dumb or Llance!
Quote: Nowhereman said: I laugh everytime I get an email sent to my Yahoo account saying that my ebay account has something wrong with it. Ebay doesnt let you register with Yahoo or Hotmail accounts as your email address,so anyone one who falls for their trick is either dumb or Llance!
Spam emails ya gimp! My Yahoo account constantly gets emails saying stuff like "Your ebay account needs updating" or "Your ebay account status" etc,but ebay doesnt have my Yahoo account as they dont allow buyer accounts to use Yahoo or Hotmail email addresses for registering unless you give credit card details as security! I aint about to give them my credit card details.........cause I dont have a credit card!
Silly people trying to spam me with such a foolish ploy always make me laugh!