I'm Not Mister Mxypltk said:
I'm sorry, but I don't believe you. That would be the right thing to do, but I doubt you'd do it. I think you would simply use the chance to ignore Birthright and go back to where the MoS continuity was left in 1999.
If I was asked to remake Superman, I'd ignore both since, after all, I'd be remaking Superman.
If I was asked to fix Superman I wouldn't ignore BR, I'd use it to fix the problem.
Unlike Waid, I don't like to ignore things.
Like or not, if I were to asked to "fix Superman" I would HAVE to use BR (which I would).
I'm Not Mister Mxypltk said:
Oh. Well, there you go. That's what I was saying. Like it or not, MoS is in the past. Going back to it is as bad as going back to the 60's. In fact, worse than going back to the 60's, since there hasn't been a "breathing period" to properly separate it from what goes on today. Bringing back the 60's, as lame as it may be, at least would give us a new different look on an era.
MoS isn't the past, MoS is still the basis upon which the modern age Superman was built.
To ignore it, DC would have to reboot its entire universe, not just one character.
I'm Not Mister Mxypltk said:
I'm sorry, but that only means something if you're a continuity obsessed fan. Since I'm not one, that means nothing to me. It could have come after Invasion! for all I care.
Well, there non-continuity obssessed fans who care too.
You don't really think that all the people that are complaining about BR are into continuity, do you?
I've seen posts that start "I've been away from comics for ___ years and I don't like the changes I'm seeing, could someone explain them to me?"
Hardly the kind of post you'd expect from a continuity obsessed fan, right?
I'm Not Mister Mxypltk said:
Then why did you say that other time that if there was a Crisis like event to support Birthright you'd be up for it?
Because if BR came after a Crisis-like event than that would make it the origin of consequence.
Last edited by ManofTheAtom; 2004-03-26 12:47 AM.