
I'm Not Mister Mxypltk said:

ManofTheAtom said:
If I was told "remake Superman" I would write something that wouldn't be MoS and wouldn't be BR.

I'm sorry, but I don't believe you. That would be the right thing to do, but I doubt you'd do it. I think you would simply use the chance to ignore Birthright and go back to where the MoS continuity was left in 1999.


If I was told "fix Superman" then I'd address the BR problem and take Superman back to his Post Crisis MoS roots.

Oh. Well, there you go. That's what I was saying. Like it or not, MoS is in the past. Going back to it is as bad as going back to the 60's. In fact, worse than going back to the 60's, since there hasn't been a "breathing period" to properly separate it from what goes on today. Bringing back the 60's, as lame as it may be, at least would give us a new different look on an era.

And therein lies the problem. To MOTA, any attempt to acknowledge Superman's past is inherently evil if it predates 1986. But regurgitating 1986-1999 ad nauseum is perfectly acceptable. And over and over again, he has asserted that the ONLY way to tell Superman stories to the go back to the Byrne/Jurgens way of doing things, and that DC should pretend that the Loeb era never happened and should rehire Jurgens and company to carry on as if they never left.

Am I the only one who see the hypocrisy in this?

Last edited by King Krypton; 2004-03-27 5:44 AM.

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