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#263115 2004-02-12 7:59 PM
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An ABC News editorial on its website admits what conservatives have argued all along: that the press is liberal:

    Like every other institution, the Washington and political press corps operate with a good number of biases and predilections.

    They include, but are not limited to, a near-universal shared sense that liberal political positions on social issues like gun control, homosexuality, abortion, and religion are the default, while more conservative positions are "conservative positions."

    They include a belief that government is a mechanism to solve the nation's problems; that more taxes on corporations and the wealthy are good ways to cut the deficit and raise money for social spending and don't have a negative affect on economic growth; and that emotional examples of suffering (provided by unions or consumer groups) are good ways to illustrate economic statistic stories.

    The press, by and large, does not accept President Bush's justifications for the Iraq war -- in any of its WMD, imminent threat, or evil-doer formulations. It does not understand how educated, sensible people could possibly be wary of multilateral institutions or friendly, sophisticated European allies.

    It does not accept the proposition that the Bush tax cuts helped the economy by stimulating summer spending.

    It remains fixated on the unemployment rate.

    It still has a hard time understanding how... President Bush's base remains extremely and loyally devoted to him -- and it looks for every opportunity to find cracks in that base.

    The worldview of the dominant media can be seen in every frame of video and every print word choice that is currently being produced about the presidential race.

While this is all obvious, it's a pleasant surprise to find it acknowledged so forthrightly by one of the major TV networks.

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Mind you, if the entire news media in America was written and performed solely by PJ O Rourke, whatsisface Buckley, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity and Adolf Hitler the conservatives would doubtless still whine incessantly about it having a liberal bias.

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D. McDonagh said:
Mind you, if the entire news media in America was written and performed solely by PJ O Rourke, whatsisface Buckley, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity and Adolf Hitler the conservatives would doubtless still whine incessantly about it having a liberal bias.

I was going to stay out of this thread, but I've gotta speak up here.

I think that's going a bit far (especially comparing them to Hitler - that's crossing the line). But in all honesty, some people make it seem like the only people we get news and information from are liberals, and conservatives never get to express their opinion. There are many prominent conservatives out there who do get to express their views. What about:

Elliot Abrams, Kenneth Adelman, Gary Aldrich, Fred Barnes, Michael Barone, Robert Bartley, Gary Bauer, Tom Bethell, Tony Blankley, Linda Bowles, L. Brent Bozell, Richard Brookhiser, David Brooks, Tony Brown, Bay Buchanan, Pat Buchanan, William Bennett, Linda Bowles, William F. Buckley Jr., Tucker Carlson, Mona Charen, Steve Chapman, Linda Chavez, Lynn Cheney, Ward Connerly, Ann Coulter, Blanquita Cullum, Dinesh D'Souza, Midge Decter, Joe DiGenova, James Dobson, Lawrence Eagleburger, Larry Elder, Jerry Falwell, Andrew Ferguson, Suzanne Fields, Kelly Ann Fitzpatrick, Malcolm "Steve" Forbes Jr., David Frum, John Fund, Frank Gaffney, Maggie Gallagher, Rich Galen, David Gergen, Paul Gigot, George Gilder, James Glassman, Bernard Goldberg, Jonah Goldberg, Bob Grant, Ken Hamblin, Sean Hannity, David Horowitz, Britt Hume, Laura Ingraham, Reed Irvine, Terry Jeffries, Don Imus, Jack Kelly, Michael Kelly, Jack Kemp, Alan Keyes, James Kilpatrick, Jeanne Kirkpatrick, Henry Kissinger, Morton Kondracke, Charles Krauthammer, Bill Kristol, Lawrence Kudlow, Donald Lambo, Michael Ledeen, Ernest Lefever, Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, Gordon Liddy, Glenn Loury, Rich Lowry, Frank Luntz, Michelle Malkin, Mary Matalin, John McLaughlin, Michael Medved, Dennis Miller, Susan Molinari, Peggy Noonan, Oliver North, Robert Novak, Kate O'Beirne Bill O'Reilly Norman Ornstein, P.J. O'Rourke, Kathleen Parker, Richard Pearle, Howard Phillips, James Pinkerton, Daniel Pipes, John Podhoretz, Norman Podhoretz, Richard Poe, Dennis Prager, Wes Pruden, Ronald Radosh, Michael Reagan, Ralph Reed, Pat Robertson, Abe Rosenthal, William Rukeyser, William Safire, Robert Samuelson, Debra Saunders, Phyllis Schlafly, Laura Schlessinger, Schnitt, Brent Scowcroft, Alan Simpson, Tony Snow, Joseph Sobran, Thomas Sowell, John Stossel, Andrew Sullivan, Cal Thomas, R. Emmett Tyrell, Ben Wattenberg, Caspar Weinberger, George Will, Armstrong Williams, and Walter Williams?

(Somebody sent this list to me a while ago, and I hung onto it just in case I ever needed it for anything.)

Of course there will always be some liberals with biases reporting the news. Just as there will always be conservatives with biases reporting the news. And there will always be moderates without bias reporting the news. But depending on what news sources you listen to and who's telling the story, you WILL end up hearing from both "sides" - even on the networks.

And to bring up an old argument, the words of a few do not represent the views of the entire media industry. The media is diverse, and people with all sorts of opinions are involved with it. Sticking a label on the media as a whole is no different than any other stereotype.

Also, there are some news stories where people see a bias that isn't there. I've heard people call articles on the Middle East anti-Israel, and others will call those exact same articles anti-Arab. So maybe our own perceptions (and maybe biases) shape the way we see the media? I brought this up in the thread about Mel Gibson's Jesus movie.

And one last point that I have to bring up: I've studied the media extensively, both in class and on my own. Whatever bias individuals may have, the media's bias is towards whatever will get them ratings. This country is mostly conservative, and for the media to stand against such a huge demogrpahic is pretty stupid, because people won;t listen to what they don't agree with. It would cost the media ratings and money to take a liberal-only stand and turn away the conservatives. It would be self-destructive. Which is why I've always been skeptical of the liberal media theory.

"Well when I talk to people I don't have to worry about spelling." - wannabuyamonkey "If Schumacher’s last effort was the final nail in the coffin then Year One would’ve been the crazy guy who stormed the graveyard, dug up the coffin and put a bullet through the franchise’s corpse just to make sure." -- From a review of Darren Aronofsky & Frank Miller's "Batman: Year One" script
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Darknight613 said:
[What about:

Elliot Abrams, Kenneth Adelman, Gary Aldrich, Fred Barnes, Michael Barone, Robert Bartley, Gary Bauer, Tom Bethell, Tony Blankley, Linda Bowles, L. Brent Bozell, Richard Brookhiser, David Brooks, Tony Brown, Bay Buchanan, Pat Buchanan, William Bennett, Linda Bowles, William F. Buckley Jr., Tucker Carlson, Mona Charen, Steve Chapman, Linda Chavez, Lynn Cheney, Ward Connerly, Ann Coulter, Blanquita Cullum, Dinesh D'Souza, Midge Decter, Joe DiGenova, James Dobson, Lawrence Eagleburger, Larry Elder, Jerry Falwell, Andrew Ferguson, Suzanne Fields, Kelly Ann Fitzpatrick, Malcolm "Steve" Forbes Jr., David Frum, John Fund, Frank Gaffney, Maggie Gallagher, Rich Galen, David Gergen, Paul Gigot, George Gilder, James Glassman, Bernard Goldberg, Jonah Goldberg, Bob Grant, Ken Hamblin, Sean Hannity, David Horowitz, Britt Hume, Laura Ingraham, Reed Irvine, Terry Jeffries, Don Imus, Jack Kelly, Michael Kelly, Jack Kemp, Alan Keyes, James Kilpatrick, Jeanne Kirkpatrick, Henry Kissinger, Morton Kondracke, Charles Krauthammer, Bill Kristol, Lawrence Kudlow, Donald Lambo, Michael Ledeen, Ernest Lefever, Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, Gordon Liddy, Glenn Loury, Rich Lowry, Frank Luntz, Michelle Malkin, Mary Matalin, John McLaughlin, Michael Medved, Dennis Miller, Susan Molinari, Peggy Noonan, Oliver North, Robert Novak, Kate O'Beirne Bill O'Reilly Norman Ornstein, P.J. O'Rourke, Kathleen Parker, Richard Pearle, Howard Phillips, James Pinkerton, Daniel Pipes, John Podhoretz, Norman Podhoretz, Richard Poe, Dennis Prager, Wes Pruden, Ronald Radosh, Michael Reagan, Ralph Reed, Pat Robertson, Abe Rosenthal, William Rukeyser, William Safire, Robert Samuelson, Debra Saunders, Phyllis Schlafly, Laura Schlessinger, Schnitt, Brent Scowcroft, Alan Simpson, Tony Snow, Joseph Sobran, Thomas Sowell, John Stossel, Andrew Sullivan, Cal Thomas, R. Emmett Tyrell, Ben Wattenberg, Caspar Weinberger, George Will, Armstrong Williams, and Walter Williams?

All commentators, with limited airtime and, furthermore, they are explicitly identified as "conservative" and as "commentators." The "liberal" press, as noted in the article cited, treats "liberal" as "non-idealogical and liberal reporters as "journalists" not commentators. Hence one of the claims of bias.


I've studied the media extensively, both in class and on my own.

Really? Me too. In fact, before going to law school, I got my masters and bachelors in communications and economics.

My studies indicate that the press skews liberal. Maybe not "Utne Reader/the Nation" liberal, but definitely somewhere left of center of liberal.

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the G-man said:
Really? Me too. In fact, before going to law school, I got my masters and bachelors in communications and economics.


I'm a Radio/Television Production major - a back-up to an acting career. I could've gone with the journalism track of the RTV program, since I like writing, but I figured the production track would give me more versatility. Besides, I don't like journalism because you can't be creative (well you can, depending on who you work for, but that wouldn't be right.) I learned how to write for news articles and televised news, and I can do it well if I have to, but it will always be something to do until I get to do what I really want to do (check out my website, if you want to find out more about what I've done and studied - the link is in my signature).


My studies indicate that the press skews liberal. Maybe not "Utne Reader/the Nation" liberal, but definitely somewhere left of center of liberal.

My studies never mentioned politics, actually. Every professor I ever had taught that when it came to journalism, we had to be objective and brush aside any personal biases. Any bias was wrong. We were also taught how to watch for bises so that we could learn what not to do. The only time I ever heard politics come into it was during a couple lectures about journalism, we were told that the point of having a constitutionally protected free press was so that the media could criticize the government. The press is meant to be the watchdogs of the government in order to keep the government honest. In theory, anyway.

I've also completed two internships for radio and television stations, and while there were a few people who held individual opinions and biases about current events, liberal and conservative alike, they kept their biases off the air and instructed me to do the same.

As for personal observations, I've seen a good deal of stories that portray the facts in a fair, objective light. I've seen some that demonstrate a liberal bias, and some that demonstrate a conservative bias. Most of the biases I see tend to happen in local news broadcasts, as opposed to national news.

And since I can only make observations and judgements about what I actually see, I can only conclude that there's no uniform bias throughout the media. I do not consider this to be the be-all-end-all definite conclusion of how the media works - merely an observation I feel justified in stating based on my own research. I'd be an idiot if I said that nobody in the media demonstrated a bias. I just don't feel that the biases represent the entire media as a whole.

There's only one thing about the media, I'll ever say for sure - if I doend up working in journalism, I will (try to) be 100% objective and fair. I'll make you a personal guarantee on that. Deal?

"Well when I talk to people I don't have to worry about spelling." - wannabuyamonkey "If Schumacher’s last effort was the final nail in the coffin then Year One would’ve been the crazy guy who stormed the graveyard, dug up the coffin and put a bullet through the franchise’s corpse just to make sure." -- From a review of Darren Aronofsky & Frank Miller's "Batman: Year One" script
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If that's the case, good for you and your professors.

Unfortunately, a number studies have found that journalism students skew liberal. In other words, they were liberal before they began working as reporters.

And in a more recent study at Ithaca College, it was found that "the highest percentage of FRESHMAN students agreeing with prohibiting racist and sexist speech were in the (the College's) Roy H. Park School of Communications. Sixty-eight percent agreed [with censoring such speech]).

In other words, FRESHMAN journalism students, a group that one would THINK would be strongly in favor of ANY free speech, no matter how offensive, ENTER their program advocating in liberal poltical correctness and resulting censorship.

Also, you need to remember: if someone is biased, that bias can very easily color what they think is or isn't "objective."

Which is one of the points of this ABC News admission: the "mainstream Press" assumes that the liberal position is the nonideological one and the conservative position isn't.

Which is, itself, a biased view.

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the G-man said:
Also, you need to remember: if someone is biased, that bias can very easily color what they think is or isn't "objective."

Trust me, I'm fully aware of this. This is one of the things I mean when I say how an individual's ideaologies and backgrounds can affect their perspectives and the way they interpret the media.

"Well when I talk to people I don't have to worry about spelling." - wannabuyamonkey "If Schumacher’s last effort was the final nail in the coffin then Year One would’ve been the crazy guy who stormed the graveyard, dug up the coffin and put a bullet through the franchise’s corpse just to make sure." -- From a review of Darren Aronofsky & Frank Miller's "Batman: Year One" script
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Looks like its not just ABC either...

Bob Arnot leaves NBC, calls Iraq coverage biased

    In a 1,300-word e-mail to NBC News president Neal Shapiro, written in December 2003 and obtained by NYTV, [NBC correspondent] Dr. Arnot called NBC News’ coverage of Iraq biased.

    Dr. Arnot included excerpts from an e-mail from Jim Keelor, president of Liberty Broadcasting, which owns eight NBC stations throughout the South. Mr. Keelor had written NBC, stating that "the networks are pretty much ignoring" the good-news stories in Iraq.

    That pretty much summed up Dr. Arnot’s attitude as well. In his letter to Mr. Shapiro, he wondered why the network wasn’t reporting stories of progress in Iraq, a frequently heard complaint of the Bush administration. "As you know, I have regularly pitched most of these stories contained in the note to Nightly, Today and directly to you," he wrote. "Every single story has been rejected."

    Reached at home in Vermont, Dr. Arnot said Mr. Shapiro was no longer interested in his kind of coverage.

    Dr. Arnot was not the first NBC employee to complain about coverage in Iraq. In fact, Noah Oppenheim, the producer of the Hardball series, a self-identified neoconservative and onetime producer for Scarborough Country, wrote an article for The Weekly Standard upon his return from his three weeks in Iraq, asserting that reporters rarely got out of the so-called Green Zone in Baghdad, and that they cribbed wire reports.

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Some of this has been discussed in a prior topic here:

The liberal media

As discussed prior, when reporters are asked about their political leanings, or more specifically how they vote, it quickly reveals that reporters are consistently upwards of 80% liberal/Democrat.
If you have 10 network White House correspondents, and all of them voted for Mondale, and none of them voted for Reagan, how do you think that might affect coverage of the two political platforms?
And when you consider that Reagan carried 49 out of the 50 states in the 1984 election, how well do you think that ratio of liberal reporters in Washington represents opinion of the U.S. population ?

Now, I don't doubt that on many occasions, liberal reporters at least make the effort to be objective.
I also don't doubt that just as often, liberals deliberately slant the coverage to make the conservative perspective seem far less well-reasoned and persuasive than it truly is.

A few days ago, I wrote a long post criticizing AOL News' online article summarizing George W. Bush's appearance last Sunday on Meet The Press, an AOL news article/summary which again (consistent with the rest of the liberal press) blunted the logic and detailed responses Bush was giving, making his answers sound more like canned rhetoric and defensive denials, instead of the detailed answers he actually gave.
The AOL summary would say "Bush denied this" and "Bush denied that", instead of detailing his explanation of the logic of his decisions on the economy, Iraq, intelligence leading up to the Iraq war, and other issues.
My post to AOL's message boards was instantly deleted. Gee, what a shock.

Liberal reporters also pick photos of conservatives/Republicans for newspaper and online photos where they have their mouths formed in a funny way while pronouncing a word, that makes Republicans look stupid, whereas they pick more dignified photos of Democrats. I see this pretty consistently of George W. Bush and Jeb Bush.

Again, in the book Bias by Bernard Goldberg, a 28-year veteran correspondent for CBS News, he details in chapter 4, specifically pages 62-68, exactly what G-man was just describing:
How conservative politicians and scholars and senators are clearly labelled as "conservative views" or "conservative leaders", clearly labelling them as outside the mainstream.
Whereas liberals --even the most extreme liberal views-- are not labelled as being partisan, and are tossed out to the viewing public without any kind of liberal or extreme-liberal subtitle, to inform viewers that their views represent the opposite extreme of the political spectrum.
And by the liberal media doing this, they present liberal views as if they were mainstream views.
And they're not.

Which intended or not, is liberal bias.

Goldberg in his book says that to liberals, their view IS the mainstream. Because in their insulated liberal bubble that is New York City, where all the networks are based, virtually everyone is liberal. All their co-workers are liberal, most of their friends are liberal, most of the people they'd meet in the street are liberal.
All three major news networks are based in New York City, and they all are surrounded by people who share their liberal views.

Goldberg says that it would instantly change the ways news is covered, if they simply moved their network headquarters to Lincoln, Nebraska (one of the most conservative places in the United States). Because then they would be exposed to people from outside their liberal bubble, who'd have views different from their own.

What if, on an issue like abortion or the morning-after pill, the networks asked the opinion of a conservative women's group like the League of Women Voters (who the major networks never ask for an opinion, and are arguably a more mainstream source of women's views), rather than the networks' usual source for quotes, the ultra-liberal National Organization for Women?

But instead, the liberal media consistently portrays conservative women's views as uninformed, ignorant, outdated, and ultimately, outside the mainstream. And instead go to NOW (a liberal group at the far distant left of the mainstream, but portrays NOW as mainstream), for views on women's issues that match and reinforce network reporters' own predominant liberal perspective of the issues, onto the public.

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What if, on an issue like abortion or the morning-after pill, the networks asked the opinion of a conservative women's group like the League of Women Voters (who the major networks never ask for an opinion, and are arguably a more mainstream source of women's views), rather than the networks' usual source for quotes, the ultra-liberal National Organization for Women?
But instead, the liberal media consistently portrays conservative women's views and uninformed, ignorant, outdated, and ultimately, outside the mainstream. And instead go to NOW (a liberal at the far distant left of the mainstream, but portrayed as mainstream), for views on women's issues that match and reinforce network reporters' own predominant liberal perspective of the issues onto the public.

You'd sooner they were asking men's groups about said issues? I'm sure Robert Bly would be all for crucifying any woman who dares abort her owner's foetus...

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Snide comments work better when one actually reads and comprehends the point being responded to, Mr. McDonagh.

Dave the Wonder Boy didn't advocate the press asking men's groups about abortion.

He asked why, on issues such as abortion, when the press wanted a quote from a women's group, the press always went to a liberal women's group to get that opinion instead of, sometimes, going to a conserative, or even non-ideological women's group.

Try addressing what Dave actually said, and discussing that point, instead of what you imagined his point was.

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I'd imagine they prefer talking to a women's group who are pro abortion, rather than one who agree with the chimp that women aren't entitled to birth control.

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you have alot of anger in you.....

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Well, I'd rather they spoke to all sides, and presented all sides, w/o bias, so that we, the American people, can make up our own minds, instead of them telling us what to think. And that goes for so called "conservative" press too. If a media outlet is labeled, then it's obviously not doing it's job, in an ethical sense.

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Is this really a problem? The value of the news is dependent on it's truthfullness. That in itself holds things in check for the most part. Most people don't want one sided coverage, do they? Much of the complaining seems over fairly minor things IMHO.

Al Franken mentioned in his last book, a study that concluded Gore received more negative coverage than now President Bush.

I think its also important to talk about the system of conservative news sources that have been manipulating the media in the last couple of years if your having this kind of debate. Today was probably a good example of the conservative pit bulls Franken talks about. All the news shows I watched had a mention of John Kerry's rumored affair. No proof offered & not even an allegation but thanks to a couple of websights the media has a nice juicy soundbite. Oh & there is also the doctored photo of Kerry with Jane Fonda. Before that there was the botox story.

Last edited by Matter-eater Man; 2004-02-16 2:20 AM.
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Well if Franken mentioned the study it must be true. He is a beacon of truth.

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What has he lied about?

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Read some of his stuff or listen to him.

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I have and still ask what he's lied about? Is this general dislike because of the people he targets?

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As I recall, Franken was forced to admit to sending false letters to Attorney General Ashcroft in an effort to gather material for one of his books. He was also forced to admit to misappropriating official Harvard stationary as part of that self same scheme.

Neither of which would generally be considered acts of veracity.

Also, even if Gore got more "negative" coverage than Bush, that alone does not mean the press is not liberal. For example, how many of those "negative" stories were critical of Gore for not being liberal enough?

And then there is the question of quantification. For example, if one story was only midly negative about Gore (for example, calling him "stiff" or "uninspiring" as a speaker), while the other was strongly negative about Bush (for example, calling him stupid or unqualified or attacking his policies vs his personality), the mere fact that both stories were negative is not as relevant as Franken would like us to think.

Last edited by the G-man; 2004-02-16 4:22 PM.
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I have found recently that while i do have "conservative" leanings...I prefer to not be conservative or liberal. I'm tired of both..tired of democrat and republican as well. Both extremes are ridiculous especially if they simply pander to party lines or idealisms. This is the area that is destroying our country (US). The 2 party system needs erased and a new social issue leaning..using your own brain... needs to be created.

I'm tired of people telling me what they need to do for me rather than me telling them what they need to do for me. We need problems solved..not problems created so they can be solved later.

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Being a lib is mainstream and extremely cool. Conservative media should be locked away without trial for it has been already judged racist and ill for the simple minds of this country to hear for it makes them zombies and do things that are not in the favor of the one true god Kerry.

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Is the ABC conservative or liberal?

Just curious to see into which camp the entity reporting this news falls.

Pimping my site, again.

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Conservative, liberal...

Labels. Oversimplification.

It sells the opinions of people who would otherwise have nothing of value to say.

The wool is being pulled over everyone's eyes.


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Dave said:
Is the ABC conservative or liberal?

Just curious to see into which camp the entity reporting this news falls.

The entity reporting this, ABC, was including itself as one of the "liberal" press outlets.

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the G-man said:
As I recall, Franken was forced to admit to sending false letters to Attorney General Ashcroft in an effort to gather material for one of his books. He was also forced to admit to misappropriating official Harvard stationary as part of that self same scheme.

Neither of which would generally be considered acts of veracity.

Also, even if Gore got more "negative" coverage than Bush, that alone does not mean the press is not liberal. For example, how many of those "negative" stories were critical of Gore for not being liberal enough?

And then there is the question of quantification. For example, if one story was only midly negative about Gore (for example, calling him "stiff" or "uninspiring" as a speaker), while the other was strongly negative about Bush (for example, calling him stupid or unqualified or attacking his policies vs his personality), the mere fact that both stories were negative is not as relevant as Franken would like us to think.

The Harvard & crank letters thing was mentioned in his book. Since he was a fellows at Harvard writing a book, using Harvard Stationary wouldn't be to unsurprising. The only thing he lied about was the letter portrayed him as writing a book on Abstinace Heroes & was asking for any great abstinance stories. Obviously a joke letter & not very shady at all.

I can understand questioning any surveys or studies, I'm sure you could find something saying quite the opposite. Gore did get some raw deals though. Items that should have been feathers in his cap were turned into negatives. His early support for the internet turned into a meglomaniac Gore creating the internet after going through the conservative news loop.

Fair play!
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the G-man said:

Dave said:
Is the ABC conservative or liberal?

Just curious to see into which camp the entity reporting this news falls.

The entity reporting this, ABC, was including itself as one of the "liberal" press outlets.

But in Stupid White Men, the ABC is denounced as a conservative news network.

Who is a poor foreigner to believe?

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Dave said:

But in Stupid White Men, the ABC is denounced as a conservative news network.

Who is a poor foreigner to believe?

To Michael Moore, anyone not an out and out communist is a "conservative."

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after all the lies that have been proven that were in the columbine movie, i'd feel sorry for anyone naive enough to believe Moore...

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Dave said:

the G-man said:

Dave said:
Is the ABC conservative or liberal?

Just curious to see into which camp the entity reporting this news falls.

The entity reporting this, ABC, was including itself as one of the "liberal" press outlets.

But in Stupid White Men, the ABC is denounced as a conservative news network.

Who is a poor foreigner to believe?

Don't believe anybody. If you can't see it for yourself, how do you know the labels other people assign are accurate? If you can see it for yourself, you don't need anyone to label it for you.

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Thank you Obe-Won.

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To Michael Moore, anyone not an out and out communist is a "conservative."

Moore is hardly a communist, unless anybody who's even vaguely to the left of Senator MacCarthy can be so termed.

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Apparently, you come from a place where they don't recognize that the icon means a person is joking or being facetious.

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Moore acknowledges in his last book that he reports to his handlers in Cuba every hour.

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Seriously, however, Moore has admitted to being very, very, liberal.

So his idea of "conservative" is not the typical definition of conservative.

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If you're going to make inflammatory statements, trying to hide behind an icon is a very lame cop out.
Liberals and communists are two different things. One group are very taken with Karl Marx, the other is composed of capitalists who don't like to see the untermensch getting shat on. Unless you can get your head around that detail, there's little point in your even trying to discuss politics.

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why do people get their panties in such a bunch over wise cracks about moore? he's made a career out of making absurd comparisons of people he disagrees with, and when he gets cracked on you always have people chiming in your not fair!

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I don't give a shit about that, to be honest. I was just pointing out that he isn't a communist and anyone who thinks that he is probably doesn't have any business talking about politics until they've worked out how socialists differ from liberals. Clear now?

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