my personal tidbits on fixin wcw...

1) more importantly than anything else, have a leader (off camera). i dont care if its biscoff, or russo, vinnie mac, ted turner, ric flair...whatever. this guy makes the decisions. everyone else listens and follows. a few higher ups help with/critique the decisions, but, none of this "backstage bs." and, whutever leader you decide upon... stick with it. no "3 month trial." the leader is your investment.

2) dont spread too thin. wcw had the right idea, i think, of trying to build all the younger guys. but, they tried too much at once. that greatly needs to slow down. let the bigger names bring over the smaller ones, but, with a pace. a slow one. y'cant learn about and love booker t, mike awesome, lance storm, prime time, general rection, (etc, etc all at the same time. push 2 or 3 names. let them build to, at least mid card status. then, start to build 2 or 3 more, meanwhile, letting the first 2 or 3 build up further to the upper tier. sting and vampiro was fantastic. greatly elevated vampiro (altho, now, supposedly, he's gone). ddp and kanyon was pretty cool too (and that also suffered, as both were out periodically).

3) girls dont havta wrestle. i dont mind them learning a few moves, or whatever. but, as appealing as a cat fight might seem, they're really overdone, and poorly, at that. they SHOULD learn how to take a hit, at least. and, perhaps, let the more talented wrasslin girls advance beyond that. but, im really happy with them being more of the "eye candy" bit.

4) its not as bad as it seems. back about a year ago, everyone hated wcw because it didnt have the edge the wwf had. wcw had no storylines, and featured "old, tired" wrestlers, never giving the younger guys a chance. vince russo came right in and changed everything to the fans' own requests. -- the younger guys all instantly received pushes (yeah, it started with them all being heels, but, its easier to get heat as a bad guy than a good guy. its a place to start). the older guys have, since, pretty much been faded out. and storylines are everywhere. good, bad, too many, too few, whatever - they're there. at least TRYING to make a dent. the "70s" gimmick might really suck, and, completely waste mike awesome, but... it builds a name for him. makes him memorable (even if your memory is, "oh, i hate this guy and his gimmick"). but, now, all of a sudden, even tho he saw, worked on, and fixed all the "major problems" countless fans and major websites pointed out, their claim now is that russo is an over-rated idiot. guess thats the whole "becareful what you wish for, cuz, y'might get it" bit, huh?

...ill list more as i think'em

i have spoken