ppv was pretty good. and, i think thats a good sign for wcw. personally, and, i know most will disagree, i think now would be the best opportunity for wcw to reintroduce their big names.

one of the problems before was that wcw had the same guys on top everyyear. no place for advancement. now, russo (like'em or not) has elevated so many players to the top, or near the top, level.

booker t. jeff jarrett. lance storm. mike awesome. big poppa bump. these are, now, all viable contenders for the championship belt.

reintroducing hogan, macho man, ddp (which they did), and hall would just make everything so exciting. now, instead of 5 big names, they'd have 10.

again, a lot of people hate the older generation. and think that, if they were brought back, they'd just take over things again. however, i think if positioned under the proper leader (my #1 request), things would be more ruley.

as much as some people may hate hogan, no one can deny his immense popularity or big-name-draw ability. if "controlled," the older generation could only benefit wcw. instead of 1 or 2 big name matches at an event, there would be, like, 3 or 4. and that, in turn, would elevate the "lower" matches. specifically, it would help promoters target the lower card wrestlers, and work on improving them, while the upper card guys bring the fans in.

i have spoken