Vampiro updated everyone on his condition, and he says that at Halloween Havoc, he had received a concussion that night, and it was his 15th concussion of his career from the power bomb that happened off the top rope. The next day, he went to Monday Nitro and he told them over 6 times that he was hurt. He couldn't remember, he couldn't talk and he had no feeling in his fingers. They told him that he was fine, and he didn't have a serious injury, and they told him to do a match. He took a power bomb again, and he had 3 concussions in 2 days. 17 concussions in his entire career. He went home to Montreal, and he doesn't even know how he got there. The doctor told him that by the looks of things, his speech will be impaired for the rest of his life, and he will have brain damage for the rest of his life. As he gets older, it will show more and more.
Vampiro has to write things down when he talks to people, because an hour later, he will forget the details of the conversation. He went and took an MRI, but he hasn't gotten the results back from that. Vampiro's beef right now is that after the injury, WCW never checked to see how he was doing. Bob Ryder called him, but he never got to talk to him as Ryder left a message. WCW called him to see if he was faking the injury, and they called another time to see if he could go to Germany to sign autographs. It seems as if WCW didn't have any sympathy for the man known as Vampiro, and on Wrestling Observer Live, Vampiro said that WCW is screwed, in a not so nice way.
Vampiro came to WCW from Mexico, and he tried his best to make the company better, and it just seemed as if they didn't want him there, and didn't have time for him. They missed the boat on him, and they treated him like a jobber. Mark Madden and Bob Ryder tell Vampiro that quitting WCW was the biggest mistake in his life, because he was supposed to get a huge push. Vamp told Dave Meltzer that it wasn't about the push.
The Insane Clown Posse, who he is now associated with treat him like a family since they first met him. They are giving him a chance at a new life. WCW didn't call to see how he was doing, and everyone says he's making a big mistake. Screw WCW.
When asked if he is ruling out wrestling in the future, Vampiro says no. He is still going to be involved in JCW Wrestling when he gets clearance, but it will still be at his own risk. Hopefully one day, he will be able to go to the WWF, because he thinks that WCW blew it, and he wants to shove it up their ass. Right now, he is playing with the ICP and he has a lot of things going on. He will probably do Indy shows in the future, because he wants to make it fun again. He's not wrestling out wrestling, he's just ruling out WCW.