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k, so, dream (nightmare) job.

you, the average-to-intense wrasslin fan are brought in to manage wcw. what do you do to save it?

get as detailed or outlining as you want (within reason). what do you think would work? character changes? group changes? specific rivalries? bring back wrestlers? let others go?

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Let me think............

Sometimes it is best to follow a storyline and quit the U-turn unsuprise turn-around!

Wrestlers are not bigger then the company.

Don't sign anyone without giving adequate thought on what to do with them(Mike Awesome).

Concentrate on wrestling, WWF has done the stories, now how about some wrestling!

I'll think some more up later!

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my personal tidbits on fixin wcw...

1) more importantly than anything else, have a leader (off camera). i dont care if its biscoff, or russo, vinnie mac, ted turner, ric flair...whatever. this guy makes the decisions. everyone else listens and follows. a few higher ups help with/critique the decisions, but, none of this "backstage bs." and, whutever leader you decide upon... stick with it. no "3 month trial." the leader is your investment.

2) dont spread too thin. wcw had the right idea, i think, of trying to build all the younger guys. but, they tried too much at once. that greatly needs to slow down. let the bigger names bring over the smaller ones, but, with a pace. a slow one. y'cant learn about and love booker t, mike awesome, lance storm, prime time, general rection, (etc, etc all at the same time. push 2 or 3 names. let them build to, at least mid card status. then, start to build 2 or 3 more, meanwhile, letting the first 2 or 3 build up further to the upper tier. sting and vampiro was fantastic. greatly elevated vampiro (altho, now, supposedly, he's gone). ddp and kanyon was pretty cool too (and that also suffered, as both were out periodically).

3) girls dont havta wrestle. i dont mind them learning a few moves, or whatever. but, as appealing as a cat fight might seem, they're really overdone, and poorly, at that. they SHOULD learn how to take a hit, at least. and, perhaps, let the more talented wrasslin girls advance beyond that. but, im really happy with them being more of the "eye candy" bit.

4) its not as bad as it seems. back about a year ago, everyone hated wcw because it didnt have the edge the wwf had. wcw had no storylines, and featured "old, tired" wrestlers, never giving the younger guys a chance. vince russo came right in and changed everything to the fans' own requests. -- the younger guys all instantly received pushes (yeah, it started with them all being heels, but, its easier to get heat as a bad guy than a good guy. its a place to start). the older guys have, since, pretty much been faded out. and storylines are everywhere. good, bad, too many, too few, whatever - they're there. at least TRYING to make a dent. the "70s" gimmick might really suck, and, completely waste mike awesome, but... it builds a name for him. makes him memorable (even if your memory is, "oh, i hate this guy and his gimmick"). but, now, all of a sudden, even tho he saw, worked on, and fixed all the "major problems" countless fans and major websites pointed out, their claim now is that russo is an over-rated idiot. guess thats the whole "becareful what you wish for, cuz, y'might get it" bit, huh?

...ill list more as i think'em

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The PPV last night was pretty good!

Thanks to the likes of Jeff Jarrett and DDP!

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ppv was pretty good. and, i think thats a good sign for wcw. personally, and, i know most will disagree, i think now would be the best opportunity for wcw to reintroduce their big names.

one of the problems before was that wcw had the same guys on top everyyear. no place for advancement. now, russo (like'em or not) has elevated so many players to the top, or near the top, level.

booker t. jeff jarrett. lance storm. mike awesome. big poppa bump. these are, now, all viable contenders for the championship belt.

reintroducing hogan, macho man, ddp (which they did), and hall would just make everything so exciting. now, instead of 5 big names, they'd have 10.

again, a lot of people hate the older generation. and think that, if they were brought back, they'd just take over things again. however, i think if positioned under the proper leader (my #1 request), things would be more ruley.

as much as some people may hate hogan, no one can deny his immense popularity or big-name-draw ability. if "controlled," the older generation could only benefit wcw. instead of 1 or 2 big name matches at an event, there would be, like, 3 or 4. and that, in turn, would elevate the "lower" matches. specifically, it would help promoters target the lower card wrestlers, and work on improving them, while the upper card guys bring the fans in.

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I dislike Nash more then a dislike Hogan.

I gots no problems with Hall, DDP and Macho!

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ok, nash then. as much as some people, like yourself, despise him... there's no doubt how incredibly "over" he is with all the fans.

he doesnt need to wrestle (and, some, actually, claim he doesnt). he just needs to show up. he can elevate others (like the NBTs). when his music kicks up, or when he walks thru the ramp, the fans in attendence go nuts. thats cool.

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Thats exactly why I don't like him, he don't even try to wrestle and he's jamming Chae - that's another reason for disliking him.

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WcW sucks. To fix it

1)Storylines. How about some big storylines. How about they drop the BAD GUY VS POPULAR GUY CRAP and have Goldberg mess with Sting. Vampiro vs Booker T would be cool.
2)The storylines are always the same. Do Som'tin cool.

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while i always appreciate a response...

"do somtin cool" dudn't really help. (i mean, damn, why didnt i think of that...)

what KIND (more specific than "cool" or "good," please) of storylines are you looking for? specifics.


you can't deny, however, that he's a huge draw. on most nights, the most heat goes towards him, goldberg, and sting. incredible, technical wrassler or not... he sells tickets and draws ratings. and, i think he's one of wcw's best assets. (altho borking chae does make me hate him)

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He is a draw.

Maybe pay him more money to put others over!

Cut the squash matches!

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actually, i think (recently, anyway), he's been pretty cool about putting others over. the whole NBT coaching, then battling bit was cool. plus, his battles (including a clean loss) to booker t also gave booker a huge push.

i think his pairing with ddp is wasted, tho. i mean, i dug that whole "bring back hall" bit they did on monday, but, they're both really big guys, and, should be spread out. ddp vs mike awesome, or something, would better suit the company. and, if nash needs a partner vs the NBTs (other than hall), id say someone new, like mike awesome, or a (really) betrayed NBT.

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they really wasted a chance to present awesome as the new big man when he came in a squashed Nash then nothing came of it,I would actually try and build around Awesome (less talk of course as he is a moron)...

1)They've milked booker T for all he has. Now just get rid of him.
2)Give Vampiro a chance to be GREAT. He is the best. Put him up against a superstar.
3)Enough 1 big good guy group and one big bad boy group.
4)They gotta stop milking Goldberg and Sting. They are getting less and less exciting every time.
5)Sign Jericho back. Or if they want to really go big,the ROCK.Take someone important to competition.
6)Drop 15% of your wrestlers and get a whole new look.

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You really are a gimp!

Vampiro is through with wrestling once his contract is up!

The Rock would cost WCW a bomb!

Jericho would never go back to WCW, he was less then a mid carder there!

WCW needs to drop 40% of the rasslers.

Booker is WCW.

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Booker has developed into a major player,Jericho or the Rock would not come back whtever the money.I agree drop 40% or more of the roster,go small again like WWF did before there re ascension 20 wrestlers tops letsee off the top of my head
1 Nash
2 Lance Storm
4 Mike Awesome
5 Booker T
6 Mike Sanders
7 Chuck Palumbo
8 Stasiak
9 Kidman
10 Bam Bam
11 Sid
13 14 15 The 3 count morons
16 Big Poppa Pump
17 Jeff Jarrett
18 norman Smiley
19 Meng
20 the Lords of the Dance
,,,plus all the chicks
focus on these 20 and make every match count,drop the other 40 or so wrestlers and get these guys on track...

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i havent the time now to answer your posts in a detailed manner, but... c'mon, bsams, THOSE are your 20?

i agree that there is some wastes of space (and talent) on the current wcw roster, but...

you left out both goldberg and sting. mebbe y'all dont like them, but... you're really testing the "how much worse could ratings get" theory.

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Bsams just forgot about those two!

Originally posted by ROY BATTY:
You really are a gimp!

Vampiro is through with wrestling once his contract is up!

The Rock would cost WCW a bomb!

Jericho would never go back to WCW, he was less then a mid carder there!

WCW needs to drop 40% of the rasslers.

Booker is WCW.

Maybe they need to pay a bomb.Wake up. WCW SUCKS. 40%?maybe 25%. Booker has been milked,he's done. NEW Storyline for Booker atleast. You're wrong about Vampiro being done with wrestling. You should have heard what happened,i'll post t in a sec.

Here this was taken off a Wrestling News Webpage "Powerslam". It has ALL the news. It is updated everyday. I will post a link if anyone wants.

Well anyway. It says in this article that Vampiro will keepwrestling for JCW tours and has ruled out WCW,but is waiting to see if he might sign with WWF or maybe ECW.

Vampiro updated everyone on his condition, and he says that at Halloween Havoc, he had received a concussion that night, and it was his 15th concussion of his career from the power bomb that happened off the top rope. The next day, he went to Monday Nitro and he told them over 6 times that he was hurt. He couldn't remember, he couldn't talk and he had no feeling in his fingers. They told him that he was fine, and he didn't have a serious injury, and they told him to do a match. He took a power bomb again, and he had 3 concussions in 2 days. 17 concussions in his entire career. He went home to Montreal, and he doesn't even know how he got there. The doctor told him that by the looks of things, his speech will be impaired for the rest of his life, and he will have brain damage for the rest of his life. As he gets older, it will show more and more.
Vampiro has to write things down when he talks to people, because an hour later, he will forget the details of the conversation. He went and took an MRI, but he hasn't gotten the results back from that. Vampiro's beef right now is that after the injury, WCW never checked to see how he was doing. Bob Ryder called him, but he never got to talk to him as Ryder left a message. WCW called him to see if he was faking the injury, and they called another time to see if he could go to Germany to sign autographs. It seems as if WCW didn't have any sympathy for the man known as Vampiro, and on Wrestling Observer Live, Vampiro said that WCW is screwed, in a not so nice way.
Vampiro came to WCW from Mexico, and he tried his best to make the company better, and it just seemed as if they didn't want him there, and didn't have time for him. They missed the boat on him, and they treated him like a jobber. Mark Madden and Bob Ryder tell Vampiro that quitting WCW was the biggest mistake in his life, because he was supposed to get a huge push. Vamp told Dave Meltzer that it wasn't about the push.
The Insane Clown Posse, who he is now associated with treat him like a family since they first met him. They are giving him a chance at a new life. WCW didn't call to see how he was doing, and everyone says he's making a big mistake. Screw WCW.
When asked if he is ruling out wrestling in the future, Vampiro says no. He is still going to be involved in JCW Wrestling when he gets clearance, but it will still be at his own risk. Hopefully one day, he will be able to go to the WWF, because he thinks that WCW blew it, and he wants to shove it up their ass. Right now, he is playing with the ICP and he has a lot of things going on. He will probably do Indy shows in the future, because he wants to make it fun again. He's not wrestling out wrestling, he's just ruling out WCW.

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you're praising the rock, and yet its booker who has been milked?

maybe they should put him up agains triple h for 10, 12 months, maybe. yeah, that'd be new storytelling.

regardless of cash, the rock would never move to the wcw (or, at least, not for the next 5 years, as he is booked under an exclusive contract). it'd be a great pick up, but, its not gonna happen.

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Surrre is being a bit of a silly-billy. WCW could not afford Rock even when the contract come up for renewal!

Vampiro has made it clear he wants to concentrate on his music, he'll probably wrestle again but he slated WCW so that's no go!

As Casanova says, compared to the Rock and hhh, Booker has not been milked and what do you mean another story- he's been battling a few of the roster - nash, Steiner, Jarrett!

As you're a fan of rasslin websites you will have noticed that WCW is cutting staffs wages all over the place so they will not be paying top dollar to anyone other then a chosen few - so don't expect to see any big names soon!

1)Fine! Booker T is not overmilked. But I just don't like the him and Sting thing. Make him feud with Sting. Ofcourse I have not watched wcw in a little while(mainly becuase it really,really sucks.
2)WCW seems to put all the guys the fans like on one team,then puts all the heels on another team. Thats a load of crap. WWF put SCSA up against the rock so they are not afraid of fans taking sides and all that.
3)Goldberg is undermilked. Like King Snarf said on the Smackdown cafe "Goldberg punches the enemy and the match is over in 2 minutes". Put Goldberg in Bigger matches. Have him feud with the commish(The man in power).
4)WCW should stop being asses to their wrestlers and making BS promises.
5)WCW has better wrestlers. But some reason the storylines SUCK.

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WCW died. Only the RDCW writing crew could have saved it.

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No...we know a lost cause when we see it. You'll notice none of us making a move to seek WWE employment.

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