1)Fine! Booker T is not overmilked. But I just don't like the him and Sting thing. Make him feud with Sting. Ofcourse I have not watched wcw in a little while(mainly becuase it really,really sucks.
2)WCW seems to put all the guys the fans like on one team,then puts all the heels on another team. Thats a load of crap. WWF put SCSA up against the rock so they are not afraid of fans taking sides and all that.
3)Goldberg is undermilked. Like King Snarf said on the Smackdown cafe "Goldberg punches the enemy and the match is over in 2 minutes". Put Goldberg in Bigger matches. Have him feud with the commish(The man in power).
4)WCW should stop being asses to their wrestlers and making BS promises.
5)WCW has better wrestlers. But some reason the storylines SUCK.