Generals gathered in their masses,
just like witches at black masses.
Evil minds that plot destruction,
sorcerers of death's construction.
In the fields the bodies burning,
as the war machine keeps turning.
Death and hatred to mankind,
poisoning their brainwashed minds.
Oh lord, yeah!
*Pyro hits. The Doctor steps out onto the entrance ramp with mic in hand and walks down to the ring. *
I have just a few words to say, then we can get back to the wrestling. First off, I want to commend Lothar for his diligence in becoming an official RDCW referee. He's been studying the rule book day and night since No Way Out of the Closet. *Lothar holds up a book with Da Rulez printed on the front.* He's determined to be an unbiased, objective, and fair officator in the RDCW ring. And, Lothar, I just received the results of the Referee exam that I gave you this morning........ AND YOU PASSED!
*Lothar fakes surprise while the Triple Set pat him on the back.*
Now, Snarf, I've received the boards decision on your petition. Unfortunately, they do not see enough evidence to overturn the ruling. But they have given me permission to book for next Havoc a grudge match between you and Nowhereman. After a lot of consideration, I have decided that this grievance would best be worked out through a TLC match.
And now onto Velo. It's sad to hear that you feel you've moved past your prime in the RDCW. It's just not true. Velo, you're not a has-been. You're a never-was. All these fueds you claimed to of had were nothing but squash matches with you being carried out on a stretcher after each one. You were fed to talent that were hungier than you. That were more determined than you. That were better than you. But if you are so eager to end your so called career, I am more than willing to oblige you. And why not go out with a bang? Next Havoc, the main event will be Velo vs. Drzsmith in a No DQ/Last Man Standing Match. So, for once, Velo, come down to the ring and fight like a man.
*War Pigs sounds as the Power Trip exit the ring and walk to the back.*
whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."
Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."