Green Day's "Espionage" hits as King Snarf makes his way to the ring with a steel chair in one hand and a mic in the other. Once in the ring, he folds open the chair and begins to speak.
You know, I tend to be a pretty easy going guy. That stops when someone tries to, oh I don't know, say KILL ME! Someone back there hit me with a motherfucking car, thereby preventing me from winning my #1 contender's match. Now, I don't know for sure who it was, but I'd be willing to bet it was one of those chump's in the so-called "rWo." So, let me just say that this show is not going to continue until whoever ran me down comes out to this very ring and explain himself. And since I don't plan on going anywhere in the immediate future, there's something I want to say to Joe Mama. For weeks, you've been whining about not getting your chance against me. As the old saying goes, "Be careful what you wish for." Well, it just so happens that I haven't been booked for a match. So, if you've got the stones, why don't you come out here and let's have ourselves an Philly-style rules match!
With that, King Snarf rolls out of the ring and lifts up the ring apron while reaching underneath for something. After a minute or two of searching, he pulls out a coil of barbed wire!
The Mouth: Oh my god!
Madman Marcum: What kind of sick bastard keeps barbed wire under a wrestling ring?
King Snarf climbs back into the ring, holds up the barbed wire while the crowd pops, chanting "E-C-W", and then sits in the chair. He places the wire across his lap and looks up towards the Cheese-O-tron....