Disturbing the Peace's "Move Bitch" suddenly blares out of the of the Cheesedome's hi-fi speakers, Heyman turns to see a very pissed off TK behind him. Paul E. scampers away and TK's attention is focused at Snarf, sitting confidently in his chair, clutching the barbed wire just a little tighter.
TK brazenly storms into the ring and kicks the chair from underneath Snarf who immediately stands up, poised to strike. The two battered warriors stare, trying to read each other's agenda. Teek snatches the mic from Snarf's hand...
Motherfuckah, I dunno what drugs you were on that night, but I was the one kicking your punk ass all over this arena last week! I was three seconds from my match with the World Champ... but you were right about one thing - that car cost both of us. Me, my Championship match. You, your genitalia.
A wave of laugher at TK's comment
Sorry dawg, but damn! Spandex is NOT your style! Listen listen... I came out here to talk about reparations. Nah, I ain't gonna get all preachy about slavery. Ya'll motherfuckahs know you still owe us. Naw, I'm talking about immediate reparations. These people didn't get their money's worth at Robblemania XX. That's way I say we give 'em what they paid for tonight... you and me bitch! Let's finish this bullshit in the ring, right NOW!