"Darf, Darf, Darf, you silly puta. That's not my belt." *taps belt on his shoulder. "My belt's right here, where it's always been. "
"And's that not even my car. My car is green. That car is purple. Stupid pendajo. While you've been playing smashup derby with toy belts and people's cars, I've been wrestling championship caliber matches against Kurt Angle and Triple H. . ."
*cut to backstage where wrestlers are watching on the monitor as Darf enters the screen.
Darf: "Where is he? I'll kill him!"
Darf attacks some of the wrestlers as the screen continues.
"Oh, and by the way, Darf, you should be meeting some of my friends right about. . .NOW."
A car pulls in out of nowhere, slamming into Darf and knocking him into the windshield. Two men get out and jump him, attacking him with baseball bats, the first is. . .