As the two men walk back into the arena, a sinister laugh is heard behind them.

Darth: That was good. You even had me going there for a second. Just how much did you pay that poor guy to take that beating anyway?

Before EGW and Muerte can turn around, Darth executes a double sisthspawn. He then flips back to his feet and walks over to the man dressed as Darf, who is being helped slowly back to his feet. Darth leans in close to him.

Darth: You OK? That was some beating you took there.

Darf: I-I'll be fine.

Darth: You gotta a lot of balls, taking a beating like that. I hope they payed you well.

Darf: Yeah, they did.

Darth: So, your done? That's all you came here for tonight?

Darf: Yeah. I'm done.

Darth: Good.

Darth quickly grabs Darf and lifts him up across his shoulders. He then executes the Darkside slam, powerboming Darf back onto the car.

Darth: That one's for free.

Darth walks off and disappears. Darf is out.

Last edited by Darth; 2004-03-26 7:40 PM.