PJP stands in the ring victorious when suddenly "Anarchy in the UK" by the Sex Pistols blasts out of the Shite-ontron.
Nowhereman walks down to the ring flanked by fellow rWo members,Joe Mama,bsams,Dave & Drzsmith.

NM:"Ok all you people here just witnessed something here,you all witnessed an rWo member once again show the rest of the locker room what a real winner is!"

PJP:"Damn straight!"

NM:"Now,as you know after the abysmal performance by Danny at Robblemania we had to relieve him of his membership in THE premiere organisation in wrestling history. It all about trimming away the fat,its all about exclusive membership & its all about being thes best. Another thing its about is dedication and I have bad news for all you fans of the rWo!"

*Boos from the crowd

NM:"Yeah,yeah whatever! Anyway back to what I was saying before you ass-clowns..." *looks at camera & winks"(thanks Jericho!).........before you ass-clowns interupted me! I have recently discovered that a member of the world renowned rWo lacks that dedication!"

PJP cocks his head in a quizical manner!

NM:"This rWo member seems to think that being a member or the rWo is just about image & hanging with the `Cool' guys,well its about time we put a stop to that!"

With a quick nod of Nowheremans head the members of the rWo beat down PJP!

After the beating is over & PJP lays unconcious in the ring the rWo raise their hands in victory & the crowd is noticibly shocked.

Suddenly Rob Kamphausens image appears on the Shite-ontron screen.
Rob:"Noice,very noice,oh and by the way,Nowhereman wasnt talking about PJP!"

And without warning Nowhereman delivers a devastating Fuck Off Slam to Joe Mama!

Rob:"Trimming the fat guys,trimming the fat...........MWAH HA HA!!"