Hi to all.
As an even bigger load of work is falling over my head, just when I am well behind schedule with another, I have decided to stop posting here (and in all the other boards I frequent), until times will be better.
I am really sorry, especially because CJ has created such a nice set up for her story, but I can't really dedicate any minutes to our shared Universe.
I leave Cavalli in your collective hands, do what you want with him. Keep him around, or have him mysteriously disappear, as you prefer. As for Euro and the kid, I would really prefer if you leave them forgotten, but if that bit scramble any of your idea, or unnecessarly complicate continuity, have the first though MIA in the Darkworld, and the second kidnapped.
I don't know when I will be able to be back. I intended to reduce the posting and stay around, but I have come to the conclusion I have to stop thinking about Vanguard for some time, and especially spend a lot less time on the internet.
I don't know when I finally will be able to return,in the meantime keep up the great writing that everyone is displaying right now.
Ah, on a last note, I am (well, my wife is) waiting a new child, that should get born by mid September. I hope to be back for then.
A big hug to everyone,