You will now see in the forum a thread titled Vanguard-The Movie?!? the premise of which is Kit Piper has optioned the rights to a film about Vanguard. The studio making the film is Bastardo Productions, headed up by Louie Bastardo, a stereotypical sleazy Hollywood film producer. Characterwise he's meant to be a cross between Danny Devito and Jerry Stiller.
So, the challenge to you is to carry on the story without all the bullshit that plagues the regular stories. Posters will either acquire points or be eliminated based on what they post in the story. The poster with the most points at the end of the story will win.
So, how do you acquire points?
Carrying plot threads-25 points. Pick up and carry on a plot thread someone else started.
Characterization-50 points. Take some time and write someone's character they want them written. Not the way you want them written.
Teamwork-75 points. Show Vanguard working as a team, utilising the skills inherent to the characters involved. Adem Different is a non physical detective character for instance. Devise a way for him to use skills he actually possesses.
Causing other posters to post in the story (bribery won't cut it here, pure writing skill). If someone is excited enough by something you wrote to post in the story you gain 50 points. I'm counting on them to say so here in the talk thread for proper pointage (honesty, please, people.) If you entice the GM to post (that's me) you get 75 points. If you entice busy/burned out posters the Doctor, Prometheus, Danny, TTT, Mxy, etc. that's 100 points. If you entice the rare Chewy Walrus or Gooz to post, that's 150 points. Posters posting of their own volition to play the game does not count.
Rules of elimination. The following rules will cause instant elimination of a poster. Once eliminated, you may not post again in the story.
Killing plot threads-killing off a plot thread someone else started in pursuant of your own.
Attempting to fit the story into continuity. This is a game, let it stand on it's own.
Blatant mischaracterization. Writing someone's character so poorly off, that's it not even the same character.
Done in ones. Introducing concepts, then having your character deal with them in the same post, removing them.
Excess baggage. Delving deep into your own character's personal history, feelings, motivations, blah blah blah. No long winded explanations of Phil's feelings about his not knowing who he is, or how all of Euro's characters interrelate, as examples.

Uber characters. Making your character the star will not only result in disqualification but negative points.

Disruption of story flow. No holding off the story for something you want to do later. No pushing for the story to move elsewhere when it's going fine.
Ok, I think that's about it. Get in there and write and have fun.