*This story takes place between issues 12 and 13*
*Fallen pic by LoserInc.* Prologue
A time before.
The onyx pyramid hovered silently above the obsidian waters. The granite skinned humanoid male slowly descended the stair case leading away from the structure. He gingerly cradled a similar looking female form in his arms.
When he reached the end of the staircase, he bent down and set her adrift. As her body slowly sank beneath the waves, he said something that in human tongues might translate
into “goodbye.”
He turned and ascended the stair case and went inside the pyramid, the staircase retracting behind him. A loud, hum began to emanate from the pyramid as it began to move slightly.
It starting rotating counter clockwise. Slowly, at first, then building in speed faster and faster until it vanished completely. As if it never were.
End prologue