A waterfall overlooking the lush green fields of Haven. A being resembling an aged man in a brown suit, with an ornately detailed walking stick stands on the cliffside looking out over the fields in the distance. He seems not to see what is directly in front of him.

“Where one was destroyed, another must be saved. There must be a balance. . .” The being mused as he began to turn his cane in his hands.

“Thus is ever the paradigm. . .” a voice from behind him spoke.

The man turned, seemingly unsurprised at the break in his reverie and placed his walking stick in front of him. “Scion.” he said more as an acknowlegement of the man’s presence than as a greeting.

“Paradigm. I’ve been expecting you.” he replied, his robes fluttering in the wind.

“You’ve called a meeting, then.” Paradigm stated.

“Not yet. There is one other we must speak with beforehand. The three of us must present a united front to the council if we wish them to act. It will be easier that way.”

“I fail to see why we should need another when the two of us. . .” Paradigm began.

“Where there is Order, there must also be Chaos, to truly have Balance.” Scion answered with a smile. As he did so, another man appeared on the hillside. He had long white hair and wore black robes. His face was pale and slightly gaunt. He had black markings above and beneath his eyes. His overall appearance was one of judgement.

“Well, met, Mortis.” began the Scion, extending a hand in friendship.

“Well, met, Scion.” Mortis returned stoicly.

“How are things at the Asylum? Your new position goes well, I take it?” Scion asked as the three men began to walk towards the temple.

“As well as can be expected. With our guards depleted first by the battles here, and then with the breakout, it is not easy. The droids, I am finding, do not perform as well in the task of hunting as they do in guarding cells.” Mortis replied never once changing his dour expression. “Perhaps due to the nature of dealing with the insane. They lack. . . adaptability.”

“Perhaps you should consider using living beings to hunt the escapees? I could loan you an agent or two. . .” Scion offered as they walked.

“I shall take that into consideration.”

The three men entered the temple and began to formulate their plans.

They never noticed a small speck appear in the sky behind them.