The next morning in the meeting room of Vanguard headquarters, Drake Marshall, Chance, Phil Smith, Michael Ringo, Grimm, and Dirk Bell sat around the table as they
waited for the rest of their teammates to revive to plan their response to this attack.
“Grissom was knocked out from behind. Someone bypassed our security measures.” Phil said flatly.
"Tobias was also attacked. He suffered minor cuts and some fractured ribs, among other smaller injuries. Nothing his superfast metabolism won't heal, though." Chance said. "He should be fine in a few hours."
“I held them off as long as I could,” Drake started. “Cascade’s working with them. They wanted Blackwulf, but why?”
“Don’t let his comical antics fool you,” Grimm leaned in, speaking up. “In the right situations, Blackwulf is a dangerous being.” Some of the Vanguardians’ thoughts turned back to the hurricane, when Blackwulf underwent his bizarre transformation into Fenris, and they shuddered.
Right at that moment, Mick Harrison burst into the room and shouted, “Shirley’s been kidnapped!”