1942, A world at war. . .a war turning against the Allied forces. The appearance of an Italian superman known as the Eurostar, has drastically shifted the course of the war. A
german scientist known only as the Doktor, has created an army of genetic freaks in an attempt to duplicate the Eurostar’s abilities.
British RAF pilot Graham Montag has been shot down behind enemy lines. He is cut off from his squad mates, Daniel and Phil, and on the run. Ducking down an unfamiliar street, desperately trying to find a marker to calculate an escape path, he stops short. Two Gestapo agents stand in front of him, guns drawn. He is short of breath, exhausted, confused, and may have a concussion. He smiles and starts to roll up his sleeves with his three fingered hands. . .
Suddenly, the larger Gestapo agent elbows, the shorter one in the face, breaking his nose. He swings his other arm around, cocking him on the head with his gun and knocking him cold. Turning back, in almost perfect English, he asks, “Graham Montag, I presume?”
“How. . .how do you know me?” The exhausted Montag rasps.
“I was to meet you. I’m your contact. My name is Kristofer Schanz. I am a Swede, working for the resistance. But we have no time for this. There are troops on your tail and you have just caused me to blow my cover. We have to get out of here.”
As Montag and Schanz moved to escape, they ran face to face into two beings in blue suits with masks resembling clocks. Clockman 7 and Clockman 8 took no notice of the
7: “Subject designate Paragon was here, but no longer.”
8: “Initiating timeline wipe to prevent further contamination.”
The beings vanished from site and were replaced by two metallic spheres. The spheres replicated themselves instantly, multiplying hundreds of times in moments. As they did so, something inside them clicked and they began to burst apart, causing a chain reaction.
Montag and Schanz’s screams were lost in a white void as a timeline died.