Vanguard HQ
The War Room

The members of the field team of Vanguard International sat gathered around the meeting table. This was an unusual meeting in that they were now joined by the support staff and the officers of the company, including Victoria Xiang. Dr. Henry Quantos presided over the meeting at this time, speaking as he stood in front of a projector of the type used in university lectures. He placed a photograph of a small device on top of the projector and turned it on. The photo was summarily projected onto the white screen behind Quantos.

Dr. Quantos pointed towards the projection of the device with his laser pointer. “This little device, as well as several others that Mr. Smith and I found while sweeping the
systems after the attack, is of a design that is used by only one company that I’m aware of. The California based software company Lupin Technologies.” The scene of the
projection screen switched from the small device to the front of the building that housed Lupin Tech.

“Lupin Tech? I’ve had dealings with them before. Even used some of their crew on the rebuilding of our hq here. That Justine Lupin is quite a. . .” Grissom Montag fell silent in mid sentence. His eyes grew wide as the realization occurred to him. “They did it. Someone on their staff got in while we were rebuilding the complex and screwed with my security setup. But how?” Montag gently touched the bump on the back of his head.

“We’ll have to figure that out later.” Danny said, “Right now, our first priority is heading there and freeing Blackwulf and Shirley. Chance, contact Agent Koning. . .and get whatever clearance we need to operate in the US. I don’t want any surprises while we’re enroute. Phil, Griss, help Charley and Dr. Quantos prep the Stormloader for takeoff. The rest of you, get ready, we move in an hour.”

“Take Nuriko with you.” Victoria Xiang stated flatly as she stood. “Why?” Danny asked, walking up to the woman. “This doesn’t concern you or her.” Hearn said,
pointing his thumb at Nuriko over his shoulder.

“Mister Hearn,” Xiang began. “I understand you do not care for me. You view me and mine as outsiders. But, I look upon this attack as an attack upon myself. These people have assaulted and kidnapped my employees. I will not tolerate this. Nuriko will go with you to deliver my message to these people personally.”

“We’re not “your employees.” But, fine. She can go. This time.” Hearn relented, just a bit.

“We’re going too.” A voice sounded from the other end of the table. Dr. Jody Huerta, Johnny Bates, and The Luchadore stood as one. “Blackwulf’s one of us. We have a right to help out.” Huerta spoke.

“Fine, you can go. Just keep those two under control. Let’s move, Vanguard!” Hearn said, walking out of the room. Bates and the Luchadore jumped up in the air and high
fived each other. “YAY!!!”

As the Vanguardians mobilized, Grissom Montag attempted to surpress a smile. “What’s up, pal?” Phil Smith asked, walking next to him as they headed towards the
docking bay where the Stormloader awaited their arrival. “What’s so funny?”

“Well, it’s Danny, you know? I mean, it’s all a bit King Arthur, isn’t it?” The three fingered merc known as the Sandcrawler mused.

“How do you mean?” Phil asked, a little confused.

“Well, you know, the boy who would be king. And all the greatest warriors in the land gathered around under his leadership. All we need is a mysterious Merlin type.” Montag chuckled.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Phil, for the life of him, couldn’t remember if he knew anything about King Arthur or not.

“What about me? I could easily get in touch with my contacts in US intel and smooth the way for us a bit.” Velo asked Danny as the team prepared for the rescue mission. “Us?” the Australian asked his friend. “Kristogar, you should really be in a hospital right now,
you know that? You had a stroke in the middle of a field mission, you could have died!”

“I feel fine.” Velo said, fiddling with a gadget in his belt.

“That’s besides the point. You felt fine before we left on that mission as well. No, I’m ordering you to stay put under Dr. Quantos’ supervision until we know more about what’s wrong with you. That’s final.” Hearn went to his room to prepare for the mission, while Velo muttered to himself. “I’ll stay, this time. But I won’t like it.”

“So let me get this straight. You want me to sanction an assault by a squadron of metahumans on a private business???” Koning’s voice sounded over Vanguard’s
communications line. The incredulous tone would have been apparent to Chance even if he weren’t able to see the man’s face on his viewscreen. “What happened, Mr. Schanz,
did they sell you a faulty alarm clock?” Koning chuckled to himself.

Kristofer Schanz did not find the humor in that joke. “No, sir. They infiltrated our security systems, raided our headquarters, assaulted several members of our team, and
kidnapped two of our support staff personnel.”

“And it’s Doctor Schanz.”

“I. . .see.” Koning responded after a few moments. “And what did you say the name of this company was?”

“Lupin Technologies.” Chance’s face did not change expression even as Koning nearly swallowed his cigar.

“Lupin Tech?! Good god, man, we’ve been trying to get an inside man in there for years! Do you realize what this means?”

“No, sir, I’m afraid I don’t.” Chance replied evenhandedly.

“I’ve lost at least three good men trying to infiltrate them. There are rumors about all sorts of illegal testing going on there. Cloning, gene research. METAgene research,
Doctor Schanz. . .I trust I don’t need to explain that any further. Why, they make the MCCA look like kids playing with their first chemistry sets. . .”

Chance didn’t like what he was hearing. “Do we have your permission or not, sir?”

“Yes, you have it. We’ll give you total freedom. I’ll give you anything you need from me to get the job done. Total plausible deniability. But I don’t want any of their equipment touched. You hear me? My men will be confiscating everything in the place once you’re
done there. Understood?”

“Totally. Chance out.” Kristofer Schanz turned off the screen and went to join his teammates.