The Imperial Mandelovian Palace.
The vampiric forces of Vlad Dracul, once known as the Impaler, surround the palace, tearing at the walls and doors. A spell of enchantment the only thing preventing them from entering.
The Indestructible Man charges the door, aiming his blade, Caledfwelch, and strikes against the barrier. Returning to his feet, he attacks again and again. “That’s it, tear down the barrier, my thralls, so that we may enter the palace. It is a home fit for a king and his army.” Dracul commands.
Inside the palace, the last remaining non-vampiric members of Tomb, plan their strategy. The primarch of the Illuminati, Kreegan, also known as the Avatar. His friend, the vampire Mordecai, the immortal sharpshooter, Midnight, and finally. . .the undead biker Grimm.
“The battle has gone badly, thus far, my friends.” Avatar began. “The rest of Tomb has fallen prey to Dracul, yet if we can destroy him, Tomb, and the world, may yet be saved.
Grimm, your job is to handle I-Man. Stop him before he smashes through the barrier and hold him off. Midnight, take a position on the roof and give us cover fire. Hold them back. Mordecai. ..”
“Don’t say anything else. Dracula is mine.” Mordecai interrupted.
“Yes. Very well then. I shall coordinate our attack mentally and hold back the remaining forces. Tomb. . .for what may be the last time. . .get funky!”
The last members of Tomb sprang into action as one, fighting back against their former allies, now under the control of Dracul. “How does an indestructible person get turned into a vampire anyway?” Grimm asked, as I-Man charged at him.
“Does it really matter? Just hold him back!” Mordecai answered, jumping past the outstretched arms of Chewy Walrus as Midnight picked off vamps from the rooftop.
The titanic struggle continued as Avatar’s sorcerous skills were pressed to their limits, attempting to hold back his once friends without slaying them. His eyes passed over a
familiar form and he paused for an instant, his eyes growing soft. “Chewy. Old friend.”
In that instant, Grimm was overwhelmed as Bibbo, Foremann, Joker1, and LLance joined I-Man in a huge “dogpile” on top of the rookie Tomber. “Crap!” He yelled from beneath the pile of meta-vampires.
“Blast it, Kreegan, this isn’t the time.” Avatar’s eyes sizzled as beams of light shot forth from the primarch’s eyes, flashing over the forms of the nightwalkers and giving Grimm a brief respite.
Mordecai’s hands reached around the once-Impaler’s throat and began to squeeze his old foe. “You are a mockery of our great and ancient gift. A perversion!” The normally calm Mordecai screamed. “You squander your gifts on weaklings!” Dracul rasped, his fingers clawing at Mordecai’s arms.
Within the midst of this chaos, Midnight looked up from where he sat, reloading his shotgun and swallowed. There are few things in his long life that have given the immortal
being known as Frederick Marson pause. The large, onyx pyramid now hovering above the Mandelovian Palace would certainly qualify as one of them.
The blue suited men in bizarre clock-like masks would definitely be another of them. Quickly snapping out of his trance, Midnight slapped his shotgun back together and took
aim at the men. “I don’t know what you’re doing here, but you’d better scat, now!” he drawled.
Clockmen 4 and 5 merely ignored him, busying themselves with scanning for a certain energy signature. Clockman 3, on the other hand, could not resist. “I think it’s high timewe introduced ourselves.” The man’s humor at his own joke readily apparent.
Midnight’s shotgun blast ripped through the night air, grazing 3’s side and ripping off a part of his suit jacket. “Owww, damn it!” He clutched his side in pain.
“This little doggie bites.” Clockman 5 stated calmly. He aimed a small cubelike device at the immortal and pressed a switch on the top. A beam of pure, white chronal energy
struck Midnight, ageing him into dust almost instantly.
“Agghhh. . .” 3 rolled around on the roof of the palace, gripping his side in agony. “How many times do we have to tell you? No stupid jokes when we’re supposed to be
working!” 5 slapped the top of 3’s head as if admonishing a child.
“If you two are about finished, I think we’re done here. Our quarry has fled this timeline. Again.” The weariness of the hunt began to show through in 4’s voice. “Let’s get back on the ship and wipe this one.” The three vanished, replaced with familiar metallic
As Mordecai prepared to sink his teeth into Dracul’s neck, ending his life, he was blinded by a burst of white light, and another timeline ended.