Clifford stared at Shirley’s form through the one way mirror as several workmen sedated Blackwulf and prepared to move him to another room.
“When will she be mine? You promised me-”
“And I will keep my promisse. After the form of the genesstealer iss mine. Thisss weak form will not lasst me much longer.” The Skinwalker looked down at the arm of the
body that once belonged to Justine Lupin. Scales were beginning to form there, as well as on other areas. “Curiouss. And. . .pleassing.” A slightly forked tongue began to flicker from between it's lips.
“What. . . are you?” Clifford asked, his voice tinged with a mild disgust.
“In the primordial dayss of thiss world, before the sseparation of the continentss, I wass. Hunting for food alongsside my broodmatess. . .” She looked over at
Clifford, a semblance of wistfulness on her face at the remembrance. “We hunted alongsside the dinossaurs, and in ssome insstancceess, we hunted them. Yess. ..we were not alwayss sso ssmall as you mammalss.”
“We hunted, and over time we learned how to take the formss of our prey, to eassier hunt them. We have known many namess, many formsss. Sskinwalkerss, they called uss. They were close. After many millennia, we losst our own, formss, and became beingss of no physsical ssubsstance. Sstill our hunger conssumed our hosstss.”
Clifford looked as if he wanted to vomit, listening to this tale, his stomach churning the entire time. The Skinwalker continued on with it’s story, almost gleefully. “Our greatesst rivalss for food were called the genesstealerss. Their hunger rivaled and even ssurpassed our own. They devoured their food whole, leaving nothing, not even the hussksss. We have feuded for millenia before humanity wass born. And on through the agess of man. I am the last of the sskinwalkerss. And that. . .” it pointed at Blackwulf’s form. “That large, purple sskinned buffoon, iss the lasst of the genesstealerss.”
“But you still haven’t explained why you wanted him.” Clifford’s stomach rumbled and pounded as he held against it.
“Haven’t you guessed? Human sshhellss are too weak to ssussstain me. Only a genesstealer’ss body has the physsical durability to hold up. I’m going to take hiss sskin. . .” The Skinwalker licked it’s lips in anticipation as Clifford finally retched on the floor.