The smoke and flame surrounded the three men. Holocaust took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, as if he was smoking a cigarette. “I love a good barbecue,” he turned towards
the B Teamers. “Don’t you?” With that he unleashed a burst of flame at the two.
Johnny Bates went intangible as Dr. Huerta leapt out of the way of the firestorm approaching them. “Mikey! Dammit! We need you over here!”
Anaconda choked the Raptor, as Ed’s body began to slump to the floor. He reached for Ladnikia, the sword calling to him, to break the snakelike meta’s embrace. . .
Zoe’s hammer slammed down onto the floor, cracking the tiles through. “Jeez! Dirk exclaimed rolling out of the way and reloading. The hammer slammed into Dirk’s hand,
breaking weapon and bone with a single blow. Bitch is strong, Dirk thought, while scrambling to recover. Dirk grabbed a letter opener off of a nearby desk and jabbed it into Zoe’s leg. The barbarian woman screamed and began to weep. “You don’t play fair! Zoe hurt you!”
“Oh, great. . .” Dirk thought, searching for something in his trenchcoat. He pulled out a rubber band and a paper clip from one pocket. “What the hell. . .” he thought shooting the paper clip at Zoe’s eye. “AAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!” Zoe’s hammer slammed into someone’s desk, shattering their pc and sending paperwork flying.
The Luchadore flew back and forth, slamming through Gunslinger bots like empty aluminum cans. “The Luchadore goes up to the top rope!” He cried. “The fans are on
their feet!” He pushed himself off of a wall for momentum. “The big elbow!” He crushed the head of the last droid with an elbow smash, and stood atop the pile of defeated robots with his hands on his hips.
“You’ll do.” Dirk said, grabbing the B Teamer and tossing him at Zoe. “What?!” The Luchadore said as Zoe’s hammer shattered on his skull. “You break Zoe’s hammer! Zoe tear you apart!” The large woman engulfed the two men in a massive bearhug, crushing them together and pushing the air out of their lungs. “Not. . .what I had in mind. . .” Dirk
Ed reached for Ladnikia. . .So close. . .just a little more. . .reaching, he very nearly clasped the blade when a black boot stepped on the sword. A metal gauntleted hand reached down and picked it up. Grimm stood before Ed and Anaconda, holding Ladnikia in one hand, and his axe in the other.