“So if I’m Arthur, and Chance is Lancelot, then who does that make the rest?” Danny thought.

“I don’t know. Griss didn’t go any further with it.” Phil answered mentally.

“Huh. Weird. Okay, get back on the clock, let’s find these guys and finish them off.”

Amuck and Vengeance raced through the stairwells down towards a particular floor. The Spirit, frustrated by several events happening that he was powerless to avenge, chased the meta speedster with a furious zeal.

Amuck burst through a doorway and led Vengeance into one of the office rooms. He raced around desks and cubicles slashing things merely for the sake of it.

Rant and Cascade followed behind the two. “Are they behind us?” Rant asked. “All but Marshall.” Cascade answered, seemingly relieved.

Danny, Phil, and Banshee entered the room cautiously. “Does this remind you of one of
those old movies where all those people end up in a big, drawn out, chase scene?” Phil thought.

“Shhh. . .Hal, dog nose. . .” Danny whispered as his nose changed shape. He sniffed the air, following the Bruttes as Phil scanned mentally. Banshee followed close behind,
readying her wail. “The other telepath must be blocking my mental probes. . .” Phil thought.

They continued on. . .