Rant, Holocaust, and Amuck joined Gnaw in military custody as the bodies of Zoe and Anaconda were loaded into ambulances. Koning’s men cleaned up the Gunslinger
androids as part of their agreement with Vanguard to take hold of any of Lupin’s illegal tech.

The Vanguardians stood in a huddle as they planned their next move. As they began to decide how to split the group, Nadia emerged from hiding. “I can help you, if you’ll let
me.” The Vanguardians regarded her with suspicion, even the Ladnikia influenced Raptor. “Pleaze. There is not being much time, and I know where they are holding your
friends. I can lead you to the one called Blackwulf.”

“Okay, Grimm, Dirk, Raptor, Vengeance, Drake. Go with her. When you find Blackwulf, tear this place down! Phil, Banshee, Huerta, Bates, Luchadore, you’re with me, we’re going to find Shirley and get the hell out of here! Let’s move, Vanguard!”

The group split in two, as Nadia lead the “power” team into the laboratories of Lupin Technologies. Danny lead his “finesse” group into down into the stairwells headed for the basement, the last known destination of Chance’s team. Guiding them from La Perdita, Kristogar Velo kept an eye on the blueprints of the building he had studied this morning on the computer. Bates and the Luchadore high fived each other and immediately began struggling to stand next to Banshee.


Down in the dungeons, several feet below ground, the Clockmen worked feverishly setting up equipment to track down once more their escaped quarry. Most of them, that is.

Clockman 3 studied intently Shirley Francis’ unconscious form. Standing up from his position assembling a chrono-tracker, he walked over to where Shirley still lay, chained
next to a wall.

“Hmmm. She could be very useful. . .in time.” 3 chuckled to himself at his bad joke.

“Three! What are you doing!” 4 and 5 were standing now, and looking over in his direction. “I just thought we could use a little company. It gets lonely in that damn ship from time to time.” 3 pulled off his mask as his curly blond hair pulled free and fell over his face. “I thought she could keep us company, you know?”

“You are not here to think. You are here to be part of a unit. And I will have no insubordination in my crew.” The massive form of 12, the mysterious leader of the
Clockmen appeared from nowhere as he backhanded 3 across the jaw, knocking him to the floor. The enigmatic 12 towered over his crew members. “Are there any others?”

The remaining Clockmen returned to their tasks, erecting a temporal barrier around themselves and their ship. 12 turned and looked in the direction of Shirley. He regarded
her still form as 3 returned to his task, pulling his mask back on. “Raise the barrier. With her outside of it.”

The Clockmen did as they told, a multi-colored temporal shell surrounding the ship and it’s immediate area. Outside the shell, Clifford licked his lips and shuffled over to Shirley’s body. “I won’t let them take you, my darling. . .”

He quickly retreated back into the shadows, however, as Graham Wells and the Time Trust appeared seemingly from nowhere, stepping out of the time stream and instantly
syncing with this time period.

“I think we’ve found them.” The android stated, running his hand over the Clockmen’s barrier. “Yes, and something more. What do you make of this?” Wells was crouched
down, studying a small fissure that hung in the air, white light pouring through it. “It appears to be a chronal fissure. We should seal it to prevent chronal leakage.”

“But why would it be here? What would they hope to accomplish by-” Wells staggered a bit as he stood. The Time Trust steadied him and examined the fissure. “I have scanned the area. There was a chronal disturbance here. Several residents from this time period have been tossed into a future timeline. We must return them.” The Time Trust sealed the fissure by chrono-welding it shut, then stepped back into the time stream along with Wells.

Clifford stared, uncomprehendingly at what had just happened then sat next to Shirley again, gently stroking her hair.