Tora, Paragon, and Chance had returned to the labs to finish repairing Paragon’s device. “Dammit!” Tora cried out, leaning back in her chair and holding her forehead. “I can’t keep the chronal reflux in check long enough to replace these capacitors!” She screamed.
“I can.” A voice behind her stated. The three turned and looked as one as Graham Wells and the Time Trust stood before them. “Finally. . .” Wells said, taking a seat. “Time IS on our side.”
“Baxter, take the LLance twins, Bates, and the Luchadore. See what’s happening in the UK.” Hearn said into one commlink. “Axel will arrive shortly to back you up.”
“Dammit, why do I always have to babysit the B Teamers?!” Ozzy Baxter’s voice screamed out of one link, while “We’re going to Mardi Gras! We’re going to MardiGras!” could be heard from another.
“Because you’re the best, Ozzy. Now shut up and do your job. Hearn out.” Dan started to relax before leaning forward again, and adding, “Oh, and Phil, deploy the 21st
Man’s team to Brazil.”
“Done and done.” the telepath’s voice sounded within and without Hearn’s head. “Bloody hell, I wish he wouldn’t do that.” Hearn thought to himself. “’Ey, where’s he
going?” Hearn thought as Priest got up from the table and walked away.
"With these modifications you've made, we can be ready to go within the hour." Paragon marveled as the Time Trusts worked on the device with ease. "I'll go and round up the others," Chance said. Stopping for a moment, he looked at Wells. "Are you sure you're okay?" The man seemed to have a slight fever. "I'll be-I'll be fine." He said.
"Okay, but when we get home, you're seeing a doctor." Chance responded, before walking off to find his teammates.