The Time Trust looked up from his reverie and found himself standing next to Graham Wells in front of the council of The Time Trust. “Time City. . .but how. .” He had no time
to formulate a response.
“Bring forth the accused!” The booming voice(s) of the Council sounded throughout. 12 was lead into the chambers in chains, Trustdroids on both sides of him. TTT noticed Paragon now on the other side of Wells. He saw Vanguard positioned across the way on the other side.
“We have intervened and averted the destruction of another timeline at the hands of the accused. How do you plead, first and last of the Clockmen?”
“Arrogant pricks!” 12 spat towards the council, their shimmering, silken robes making no movement other than the inexplicable fluttering that constantly moved through them, as if a wind passed them by. The spit stopped, frozen, and hung in the air.
The central member of the council stood and pointed towards 12. “Let the story of 12 and your impious revolt be known to all!”
The minds of those present were flooded with images from the past. The Clockmen’s plot to alter the multiverse in their own image and seize power from the Council. 12's role as one it's leaders. His female lieutanant by his side. Chronal war
as Clockmen battled Trustdroids across multiple timelines and universes. The image of 12’s lieutenant and wife, being killed in battle. 12 consigning her body to the dark waters of a world still unborn.
“And what then, 12? How is it you came to hide from us for so long, before returning here? Now?”
“Oh, you don’t know? Imagine that! Something the all powerful omnipotent Time Trust Council doesn’t know something?! I’ll never tell you!” 12 struggled against his power
dampening chains as the attendant Trustdroids watched over him.
“I believe, perhaps, that I can be of some assistance here.” Paradigm strolled into the council chambers, his brown suit wrinkle free, his ornately detailed cane, slightly flashing.
"Who are you, and by what authority do you come here? " the voice(s) of the Council thundered at the intruder.
Phil Smith nudged Grissom Montag and whispered, “Griss, I think we just found your Merlin type.”
"Some know me as Paradigm. I am here of my own accord." Paradigm responded almost dismissively.
"Hmph." Paradigm nonchalantly responded, brushing down his suit a bit, as if dusting it off.
"YOU WILL ANSWER!!!!" The Council of The Time Trust stood as one.
"He is here under the authority of Haven!" The Scion entered the room, followed by Mortis, Amelie Pendragon, Myrrdin, and the full membership of the council of Haven.
"If I may continue. . ." Paradigm looked annoyed, glancing at his fingertips.
" . . .continue. . ." The Council was seated.
“For one moment, the Clockmen gathered in their secret place and pooled their talents as one. They looked over a world. . .” Paradigm waved his arm as an image of 12
holding a miniature globe over his hands. “And carved out a sliver of time. . .”
12 now held two worlds in his hands and laughed. “A small pocket of time, a world like the one these heroes know. . .but different. Here, 12 thought he would find no resistance to his plans. He was wrong.” Images of Paragon and his agents rising up against the tyranny of the Clockmen, and falling. All but Paragon being killed. Paragon’s torture at
the hands of the thugs 12 recruited to replace his team.
“Where is this world now?”
“It exists, hidden away, by him.” Paradigm pointed to 12, as the Council forced temporal energy to wash over his body. 12’s body rose into the air, buffeted by the forces assailing
him. His body split and fractured, crumbling apart under the assault of the Council.
Two worlds came into view. Two Earths. The same, but different. Slowly, majestically, the worlds became one again. Briefly the Vanguards felt themselves being washed over as
the effects of the temporal transfer mildly altered them.
“So, that’s it? It’s done? Just like that?” Danny asked. “Yes, Daniel, it is done.” Paradigm responded, with a brief smile.
“Who the hell are you and how do you know my name?” Hearn asked the man standing before him. “That is not important. Things here have been settled and you all played your roles to perfection. That is all that matters.”
“Now just wait a sec-” Hearn began to protest and found himself and the rest of Vanguard back on the streets of Los Angeles, standing in front of Lupin Technologies, the military
forces of Agent Koening awaiting them. The Siege, it seemed, was over.