Epilogue: The Asylum


At the universal endpoint sits a rather large, foreboding structure rumored to have been built by the gods themselves. The tops of it's four adjoined ivory towers burn consistently
with cosmic energy. The tops of the walls were lined with grotesque statuary. The building itself sat on a large, flattopped piece of land, held stationary between two black holes. It's purpose, not to keep people out, but to keep them held within. This, was The Asylum.

It was at this structure that Rant now found himself. Walking inside, he felt himself almost drawn down the correct path. A moment ago, he had been held prisoner, bound for a metahuman prison along with his remaining allies. Now he stood in front of a massive desk, within an even larger chamber within this strange place. “Nice decor.” He
thought to himself as he noticed the chains hanging from the impossibly high ceiling. Barred windows surrounding every level of the semicircular tower.

The voice stopped him in his tracks, chilling even his nightbred blood. “Vampire. You are needed.” Mortis had spoken.