Yesterday's Boston Globe featured an op-ed by Sen. Ted Kennedy* in which he huffs and puffs about jackbooted government thugs:

    Just this past week there were public reports that a college student in Massachusetts had two government agents show up at his house because he had gone to the library and asked for the official Chinese version of Mao Tse-tung's Communist Manifesto. Following his professor's instructions to use original source material, this young man discovered that he, too, was on the government's watch list.

    Think of the chilling effect on free speech and academic freedom when a government agent shows up at your home--after you request a book from the library.

As noted on another thread, this story appears to be a hoax.

But even if you don't believe its a hoax, shouldn't a US Senator know that "The Communist Manifesto" was written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in 1848, not by Mao, who wasn't born until 1893?