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Liberals don't hate America.....well maybe some of them do.....but I'm sure there are plenty of Conservatives that hate Americas as well. Honestly the people that hate America are people and politicians like G-Man that are so closed minded that they refuse to even listen to what the other side has to say. G-Man epitomizes what is wrong with this country.
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heehee... he's gonna be PISSED. anyway, I agree with you, PJP.
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unrestrained id said: I don't get this whole "liberals don't support the troops" deal. It is possible to applaud those sent out to do their sworn duty for their country while still being critical of those leading (or misleading) them.
magicjay38 said:They were stupid enough to buy into Bush's patriotic bullshit and now I'm supposed to support them? Fuck You.
As noted previously, I'd really like to see the two of you discuss your mutual differences in this area.
Since both of you would seem to be "liberals," a discussion of your opposing points of view on this area would be a nice way of looking at this issue, in lieu of a conservative such as myself trying to characterize the issue for you.
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the G-man said:
unrestrained id said: I don't get this whole "liberals don't support the troops" deal. It is possible to applaud those sent out to do their sworn duty for their country while still being critical of those leading (or misleading) them.
magicjay38 said:They were stupid enough to buy into Bush's patriotic bullshit and now I'm supposed to support them? Fuck You.
I'd really like to see the two of you discuss your mutual differences in this area.
G-man, you just want to see if liberals devour their young, too.

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It is very common for conservatives to publicly disagree. See, eg, McCain vs Bush or "conservatives against the Patriot Act."
And, as noted waaayyy back in the original post to this thread, a liberal columnist was the one fretting that too many on the left were letting anti-war sentiment make them anti-America.
All I'm doing is giving the "liberals" a chance to state their views, to speak on behalf of "their" side, and discuss the issue themselves.
Isn't defining themselves preferable to conservatives defining them instead?
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magicjay38 said:
the G-man said:
unrestrained id said: I don't get this whole "liberals don't support the troops" deal. It is possible to applaud those sent out to do their sworn duty for their country while still being critical of those leading (or misleading) them.
magicjay38 said:They were stupid enough to buy into Bush's patriotic bullshit and now I'm supposed to support them? Fuck You.
I'd really like to see the two of you discuss your mutual differences in this area.
G-man, you just want to see if liberals devour their young, too.
"Ah good. Now I'm on the internet clearly saying I like tranny cleavage. This shouldn't get me harassed at all." -- Lothar of the Hill People
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the G-man said: It is very common for conservatives to publicly disagree. See, eg, McCain vs Bush or "conservatives against the Patriot Act."
And, as noted waaayyy back in the original post to this thread, a liberal columnist was the one fretting that too many on the left were letting anti-war sentiment make them anti-America.
All I'm doing is giving the "liberals" a chance to state their views, to speak on behalf of "their" side, and discuss the issue themselves.
Isn't defining themselves preferable to conservatives defining them instead?
Fair enough. I don't know that I meet the qualifications to be called liberal, so here's where I'm coming from.
I came of age in the era of the Viet Nam war and was eligable to serve in the Army or Marines. The government insisted on my participation in the Selective Service process. When I declined to registerthey sent me a nasty letter saying that if I didn't report to my local Selective Service office in 14 days, the FBI would come to my house and arrest me. Seeing as how I was only 18 and had limited options, I complied. I was then subject to a lottery and drew the number 9. I would be drafted the following year. Fate intervened and I ruptured my ear drum playing water polo a few weeks later. I had a way to avoid conscription. I knew others who weren't so fortunate. Some managed to get into the Navy or Air Force where they could be a distance away from the carnage. To draw a swift boat assignment you really had to wanna. The point I'm making is that people didn't go to war because of some great patriotic ferver. They went because the alternative was to be someone's 18 year old girlfriend in a Federal Prison.
The situation with today's soldiers is very different. All of them enlisted for one reason or another. They wanted money for college or GI Bill benefits and perhaps because of the great patriotic feelings from the 9/11 catastrophe. Whatever their motivation, they walked into a recruiting office on their own volition and completed the process of enlistment. They signed a contract. I'm sure that somwhere in that document is mention of the fact you could be called into a combat role. A consequince there of could be death or dismemberment. You want the dough, you may have to go. Place your bet.
I do sympathize with them. They made a bad deal. They didn't know they were signing on for this crap. Kinda like making a bad deal on a car. But why should I respect that? What does it mean to support our troops? Can I do that while opposing the policy? How? I'm not in favour of spitting on the returning vets. I favour helping them re-adjust to civilian life. How else can I support them? Put a flag on my car?
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the G-man said:
unrestrained id said: I don't get this whole "liberals don't support the troops" deal. It is possible to applaud those sent out to do their sworn duty for their country while still being critical of those leading (or misleading) them.
magicjay38 said:They were stupid enough to buy into Bush's patriotic bullshit and now I'm supposed to support them? Fuck You.
As noted previously, I'd really like to see the two of you discuss your mutual differences in this area.
Since both of you would seem to be "liberals," a discussion of your opposing points of view on this area would be a nice way of looking at this issue, in lieu of a conservative such as myself trying to characterize the issue for you.

As opposed to your side's "party discipline", we "liberals' don't all walk in lock-step.
Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else. --Will Rogers
"I don't think anyone anticipated the breach of the levees." - George W. Bush
I don't think anybody could have predicted that these people would .. try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a missile. - Condoleeza Rice
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unrestrained id said: As opposed to your side's "party discipline", we "liberals' don't all walk in lock-step.
the G-man said: It is very common for conservatives to publicly disagree. See, eg, McCain vs Bush or "conservatives against the Patriot Act."
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G-man, I don't speak for anyone but myself. In many ways I'm so far to the left I'm on the right! The only reason that I belong to the lesser of 2 evils Democratic Party is I want to vote in the primaries. Move On is just another party organ designed to appeal to younger voters. If I had a magic wand that would change the political system, I'd dissolve the Senate, make the House porportioned by states populations and change the voting system to one of proportional representation. The Electoral College? Gone. The executive would be elected by the House. The only thing I would change about the judiciary would be to lessen it's character as political spoils. Hell, I think California should succeed from the Union. How much more states rights can you get? 
"Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives." John Stuart Mill
America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between. Oscar Wilde
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My whole point of suggesting you two discuss was so that we'd be hearing your side or sides from your own words, as opposed to me, or someone else, characterizing your views for you.
Even though I disagree with much of what you say, I appreciate the fact that you stood up to the plate and took a swing at discussing the issue, in lieu of, for example, making some snide comment about "my" side's "'party discipline.'"
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Hell, I think California should succeed from the Union.
I agree.
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Not before I ditch the bitch first!
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"Ah good. Now I'm on the internet clearly saying I like tranny cleavage. This shouldn't get me harassed at all." -- Lothar of the Hill People
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well, you slept with Mommy #8, thus creating me.
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Was I snide G-man?
Perhaps it has something to do with tiring of seeing this thread being bumped up constantly whenever the news starts turning unfavourably towards Republicans. Then suddenly the "liberals hate America", "liberals hate God", "Liberals hate the flag" "liberals hate the troops", Liberals this, liberals that, distraction machine gears up from the Republican side.
The GOP playbook is whenever you're on the defensive, change the conversation to where you're on the offensive against the people who have you on the defense. As the whole Amnsesty Internation/Red Cross/Sen. Durbin situations show.
Forgive me if I don't want to play that game or if i'm wary of you actually wanting to hear any actual exchange of ideas between me and the other "liberal". He has his own ideas of the troops. I have mine. You can either choose to accept them or not. I want them back home from this unneccesary war built on lies. Jay has his own ideas about the troops. Which is his right.
Plus as i've said in the Iraq thread, the right wing hate and delusion has grown downright bizzare to where ANYONE who disagrees with Bush, regardless of their party or politics, is now branded a "liberal" (in the pejorative sense of course). As this demonstrates. It'd be funny if the stakes wearn't so grave..
Kenneth Y. Tomlinson, a Republican, defended his efforts to examine the political slant of programming, saying that the CPB had a responsibility to ensure balance on the taxpayer-supported system.
Minutes before he spoke, 16 Democratic senators released a letter asking President Bush to remove the presidential appointee from his post at the CPB, a nonprofit that distributes federal funds to public television and radio stations. They accused Tomlinson of "undermining, underfunding and ultimately undoing its mission."
Sen. Charles E. Schumer of New York said Tomlinson issued a relatively tepid statement last week when the House Appropriations Committee approved a 46% cut to public broadcasting and noted that he hired an outside consultant to monitor the content of the program "Now" last year, when Bill Moyers was the host.
The consultant, Fred Mann, categorized segments as "pro-Bush" and "anti-Bush," according to copies of the reports obtained by Sen. Byron L. Dorgan (D-N.D.). Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel of Nebraska, a frequent White House critic, was labeled "liberal" because he questioned Bush's policy in Iraq.
Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else. --Will Rogers
"I don't think anyone anticipated the breach of the levees." - George W. Bush
I don't think anybody could have predicted that these people would .. try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a missile. - Condoleeza Rice
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Forgive me if I don't want to play that game or if i'm wary of you actually wanting to hear any actual exchange of ideas between me and the other "liberal". He has his own ideas of the troops. I have mine.
Yes, but his opinion is one you claimed was absent from the left. Then again you've made quite a few claims that were patently false. Like when you called us paranoid if we thought that there were forces trying to make us recycle, then when I pointed out that in my city you were required by law to recycle you magically dissapeared from the conversation. You're just really hard to take seriously when you're unwilling to admit when you're absolutely proven wrong. You just go hide and make another rediculous claim with the same level of back up.
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wannabuyamonkey said:
Forgive me if I don't want to play that game or if i'm wary of you actually wanting to hear any actual exchange of ideas between me and the other "liberal". He has his own ideas of the troops. I have mine.
Yes, but his opinion is one you claimed was absent from the left. Then again you've made quite a few claims that were patently false. Like when you called us paranoid if we thought that there were forces trying to make us recycle, then when I pointed out that in my city you were required by law to recycle you magically dissapeared from the conversation. You're just really hard to take seriously when you're unwilling to admit when you're absolutely proven wrong. You just go hide and make another rediculous claim with the same level of back up.
What does recycling have to do with this topic? I find an underlying theme of paranoia in most of your posts. Let's be honest. The religious rightiousness and moral fervour that conservatives bring to their positions are a subtrafuge to obscure the truly base motives behind their positions.
"Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives." John Stuart Mill
America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between. Oscar Wilde
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wannabuyamonkey said:
Forgive me if I don't want to play that game or if i'm wary of you actually wanting to hear any actual exchange of ideas between me and the other "liberal". He has his own ideas of the troops. I have mine.
Yes, but his opinion is one you claimed was absent from the left. Then again you've made quite a few claims that were patently false. Like when you called us paranoid if we thought that there were forces trying to make us recycle, then when I pointed out that in my city you were required by law to recycle you magically dissapeared from the conversation. You're just really hard to take seriously when you're unwilling to admit when you're absolutely proven wrong. You just go hide and make another rediculous claim with the same level of back up.
You're saying I spoke for ALL liberals concenring the troops?
Sorry if you took it that way, but liberals, like conservatives all have their own degrees of ideology and opinion.
Now if I dismissed your recycling comments then I'll concede that. I decided to not reply frankly because in my experience with MANDATORY municipal recycing/trash collecting, it became a minor annoyance when the trash companies first started the programs in my area. It became impossible for them to enforce though as people frankly can't be arsed to seperate their trash under the strict guidelines required and people, myself included just stopped using the recycling bins.
Leave it up to the vagrants and the old asian fellow who sifts thru our trash to do it.
But isn't the whole Iraq affair and the Downing Street memos absolute proof that conservatives are unwilling to admit when they've been lied to?
Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else. --Will Rogers
"I don't think anyone anticipated the breach of the levees." - George W. Bush
I don't think anybody could have predicted that these people would .. try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a missile. - Condoleeza Rice
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magicjay38 said:
What does recycling have to do with this topic? I find an underlying theme of paranoia in most of your posts.
Acctually I just treat the boards like an ongoing social circle of debate. I may bring up something that wasn;t necessarily mentioned in the previous post because it speaks to a trend. you'll note that in the post following yours UID answered my challege reasonably. So I wasn't imaginging it.
Let's be honest. The religious rightiousness and moral fervour that conservatives bring to their positions are a subtrafuge to obscure the truly base motives behind their positions.
Which is? being a religious conservitive I'm just dying to hear what I REALY think.
I love it when people have such an elitist pompasity as to presume what other peoples motives are. I await with breathless anticipation to hear from a man with the power to see inside another's soul.
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" I know God exists because WBAM told me so. " - theory9
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I didn't know all evangelicals fit in the same mold! That's amazing! Because surely I agree with wbam 100% of the time!!!  
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wannabuyamonkey said:
magicjay38 said:
What does recycling have to do with this topic? I find an underlying theme of paranoia in most of your posts.
Acctually I just treat the boards like an ongoing social circle of debate. I may bring up something that wasn;t necessarily mentioned in the previous post because it speaks to a trend. you'll note that in the post following yours UID answered my challege reasonably. So I wasn't imaginging it.
Let's be honest. The religious rightiousness and moral fervour that conservatives bring to their positions are a subtrafuge to obscure the truly base motives behind their positions.
Which is? being a religious conservitive I'm just dying to hear what I REALY think.
I love it when people have such an elitist pompasity as to presume what other peoples motives are. I await with breathless anticipation to hear from a man with the power to see inside another's soul.
It's a Witch thing...a gift from the Goddess, Jesus boy! Blessed Be The Goddess.
This goes to the core of my beliefs about government, history and economics. You can read about it in my forthcoming book Why Everything Sucks. It will be packaged with an introductory presciption for Zoloft. But the sad truth is IT'S ALL ABOUT THE MONEY. The real argument between Liberals and Conservatives is about how to best to divy it up. Conservatives believe in a top down approach (dress it up and call it supply side economics) and Liberals favour a bottom up approach (also known as a welfare state). Because the original ideas of those enlightenment thinkers who dreamed up our government were perverted to include the lumpen proletariat, politicians need to dream up ways to gain the support of the plebs without letting them in on the true purpose of the game, dividing up the money.
Repubs want to divide it up so that the upper echelons of society get a larger share of the spoils. Dems want to give more to the lower echelons. The goal of both approaches is to create more wealth to divy up. So they build a coalition with the plebs by stirring them up with horseshit issues like gay marriage, abortion and morality. It makes them feel loyal to the side they've aligned with and they won't pay attention to where the money is going. Those are the 'base motives' of which I speak. For Repub plebs, they've managed to convince them that Repub tax breaks benefit them! 
Extend the dividing up the money thing and you've got the war in Iraq! Bringing Democracy to the Iraqi people my ass. How can you believe that nonsense? It's about who controls the most important commodity of our age, beginning circa 1870. Read a book called The Prize. You'll gain a whole new perspective on this conflict. It's a history not a polemic like Why Everythin Sucks
"Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives." John Stuart Mill
America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between. Oscar Wilde
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oh gosh i wish i read this whole thread. sounds really interesting. heres my two cents worth... (if someone already pointed this out then just ignore it i guess lol)  the problem i find in the whole liberal, conservitive, lableing thing is that people only think of one extreme or the other. most people think of liberal as america hateing, anti governerment, protest starting, no war, hippies.. and most people think of conservatives as god loveing, tucked shirt, no fun, narrowminded, christian going, stuckups... they never think the middle ground, just like the media, (dont get me started on that.) anyway, my hubby-to-be considers him self a liberal and he consisters me a conservative (but i consister myself a no nothing cause i always look to answers in poltices indivitually.) but anyway now, my hubby-to-be is not the extreme, he loves his country and is happy to live here he just has problems with certain issues. people are always telling him that he hates his counrty and then they hate him because of it, but thats not true its the way most liberals tell there passions in policts that get them a bad rap. you can be a libaral and still love your country, you can be a conservative and still be open minded. i think if more people would stop thinking of only the extremes, (black or white, good or bad,love or hate, has to be this or has to be that, cut and dry) and stop focusing on the negitive, things would be alot better off and people would start being more considerate. well there it is for what its worth 
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It's a Witch thing...a gift from the Goddess, Jesus boy! Blessed Be The Goddess.
So, since you came nowhere near devining the true intent of my soul can we chalk that up to the impotance of the Goddess' power?
Putting the "fun" back in Fundamentalist Christian Dogma.
" I know God exists because WBAM told me so. " - theory9
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wannabuyamonkey said:
It's a Witch thing...a gift from the Goddess, Jesus boy! Blessed Be The Goddess.
So, since you came nowhere near devining the true intent of my soul can we chalk that up to the impotance of the Goddess' power?
Do you now or have you ever had a sense of humour? You are so goddamn earnest!
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magicjay38 said:
wannabuyamonkey said:
It's a Witch thing...a gift from the Goddess, Jesus boy! Blessed Be The Goddess.
So, since you came nowhere near devining the true intent of my soul can we chalk that up to the impotance of the Goddess' power?
Do you now or have you ever had a sense of humour? You are so goddamn earnest!
Just because my joke was directed at you instead of at me doesn't mean it wasn't a joke. Having a sense of humor is being able to volly back and forth not just throw pitches.
Putting the "fun" back in Fundamentalist Christian Dogma.
" I know God exists because WBAM told me so. " - theory9
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Liberals HATE America?
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Pariah said:
Liberals HATE America?
why do you say that?
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magicjay38 said: Do you now or have you ever had a sense of humour? You are so goddamn earnest!
I wish I was so earnest. Then I could go around saying "Know whut I mean, Vern?"
Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!
All hail King Snarf!
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King Snarf said:
magicjay38 said: Do you now or have you ever had a sense of humour? You are so goddamn earnest!
I wish I was so earnest. Then I could go around saying "Know whut I mean, Vern?"
And I know the importance of that!

"Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives." John Stuart Mill
America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between. Oscar Wilde
He who dies with the most toys is nonetheless dead.
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Anti-Anti-AmericanismHow does the United States deal with a corrupt world in which we are blamed even for the good we do, while others are praised when they do wrong or remain indifferent to suffering?
We are accused of unilateral and preemptory bullying of the madman Mr. Ahmadinejad, whose reactors that will be used to “wipe out” the “one-bomb” state of Israel were supplied by Swiss, German, and Russian profit-minded businessmen. No one thinks to chastise those who sold Iran the capability of destroying Israel.
Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez pose as anti-Western zealots to Western naifs. The one has never held an election; the other tries his best to end the democracy that brought him to power. Meanwhile our fretting elites, back from Europe or South America, write ever more books on why George Bush and the Americans are not liked.
Those in the Middle East whine about Islamophobia, but keep silent that there is not allowed a Sunni mosque in Iran or a Christian church in Saudi Arabia.
The international Left loves to champion humanitarian causes that do not involve the immediate security needs of the United States, damning us for inaction even as they are the first to slander us for being military interventionists. We know the script of Haiti, Mogadishu, and the Balkans, where Americans are invited in, and then harped at both for using and not using force. Where successful, the credit goes elsewhere; failure is always ours alone. Still, we should organize multinational efforts to save those in Darfur—but only after privately insisting that every American soldier must be matched by a European, Chinese, and Russian peacekeeper.
There are other ways to curb our exposure to irrational hatred that seems so to demoralize the American public. First, we should cease our Olympian indifference to hypocrisy, instead pointing out politely inconsistencies in European, Middle Eastern, and Chinese morality. Why not express more concern about the inexplicable death of Balkan kingpin prisoners at The Hague or European sales of nuclear technology to madmen or institutionalized Chinese theft of intellectual property?
We need to reexamine the nature of our overseas American bases, elevating the political to the strategic, which, it turns out, are inseparable after all.
The point is not to be gratuitously punitive or devolve into isolationism, but to continue to apply to Europe the model that was so successful in the Philippines and now South Korea—ongoing redeployment of Americans to where we can still strike in emergencies, but without empowering hypocritical hosts in time of peace.
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the G-man said: Anti-Anti-Americanism
How does the United States deal with a corrupt world in which we are blamed even for the good we do, while others are praised when they do wrong or remain indifferent to suffering?
We are accused of unilateral and preemptory bullying of the madman Mr. Ahmadinejad, whose reactors that will be used to “wipe out” the “one-bomb” state of Israel were supplied by Swiss, German, and Russian profit-minded businessmen. No one thinks to chastise those who sold Iran the capability of destroying Israel.
Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez pose as anti-Western zealots to Western naifs. The one has never held an election; the other tries his best to end the democracy that brought him to power. Meanwhile our fretting elites, back from Europe or South America, write ever more books on why George Bush and the Americans are not liked.
Those in the Middle East whine about Islamophobia, but keep silent that there is not allowed a Sunni mosque in Iran or a Christian church in Saudi Arabia.
The international Left loves to champion humanitarian causes that do not involve the immediate security needs of the United States, damning us for inaction even as they are the first to slander us for being military interventionists. We know the script of Haiti, Mogadishu, and the Balkans, where Americans are invited in, and then harped at both for using and not using force. Where successful, the credit goes elsewhere; failure is always ours alone. Still, we should organize multinational efforts to save those in Darfur—but only after privately insisting that every American soldier must be matched by a European, Chinese, and Russian peacekeeper.
There are other ways to curb our exposure to irrational hatred that seems so to demoralize the American public. First, we should cease our Olympian indifference to hypocrisy, instead pointing out politely inconsistencies in European, Middle Eastern, and Chinese morality. Why not express more concern about the inexplicable death of Balkan kingpin prisoners at The Hague or European sales of nuclear technology to madmen or institutionalized Chinese theft of intellectual property?
We need to reexamine the nature of our overseas American bases, elevating the political to the strategic, which, it turns out, are inseparable after all.
The point is not to be gratuitously punitive or devolve into isolationism, but to continue to apply to Europe the model that was so successful in the Philippines and now South Korea—ongoing redeployment of Americans to where we can still strike in emergencies, but without empowering hypocritical hosts in time of peace.
That's a nice editorial you cut and pasted there. Do you have any thoughts of your own to contribute?
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There are other ways to curb our exposure to irrational hatred that seems so to demoralize the American public. First, we should cease our Olympian indifference to hypocrisy, instead pointing out politely inconsistencies in European, Middle Eastern, and Chinese morality. Why not express more concern about the inexplicable death of Balkan kingpin prisoners at The Hague or European sales of nuclear technology to madmen or institutionalized Chinese theft of intellectual property?
Because they would do the same to us!
"Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives." John Stuart Mill
America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between. Oscar Wilde
He who dies with the most toys is nonetheless dead.
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brutally Kamphausened 15000+ posts
brutally Kamphausened 15000+ posts
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Interesting that liberals, post-2004-election, with their "Jesusland" maps carving up America to suit their own spiteful political contempt for those who don't share their views...  ...demonstrate the same mindset as domestic U.S. Islamic organizations (i.e., enemies within our borders, whose first loyalty is to the enemies who wish to destroy us), in their eagerness to slice up America. As demonstrated in this map from an Islamic website :  Interesting also that, compared to the U.S., Canada has a much larger Muslim population --arguably an out-of-control level of Muslim immigration-- that 60 Minutes in one of their news stories called "an Islamic aircraft carrier, within striking distance of the United States". Domestic Muslims recognize the usefulness of complacent liberal majorities in the Blue States, and envision absorbing them into a like-minded Muslim-laden Canada. Liberals in the U.S., with their contempt-filled divisive rhetoric, passively support the goals of those who wish to not just divide us politically, but envision splitting the nation territorially.
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It's ironic Wonderboy when you use terms like spiteful & contempt-filled divisive rhetoric. This thread is all about some Republicans doing that for political gain.
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Wonder Boy said:
...demonstrate the same mindset as domestic U.S. Islamic organizations (i.e., enemies within our borders, whose first loyalty is to the enemies who wish to destroy us), in their eagerness to slice up America. As demonstrated in this map from an Islamic website :
you're a racist, this much is obvious. also a bigot. Just because some terrorists are islamic (you like to ignore catholic and christian terrorists I notice) doesn't mean all islam is terrorism. much like the phrase just because some birds are black does not mean all birds are black birds.
Dude, lets do the split as the map shows. See how the farmers get by without New York and California. You guys make this assumption that your tiny population spread over large bordered states means shit. So go for it. Go for the southern Klans and uneducated small towns where they still ban Tom Sawyer. Take your morals=oppression BS and leave us the fuck alone. Now you'll probably take offense to that because you were being so nice with your anti-liberal bullshit.
Interesting also that, compared to the U.S., Canada has a much larger Muslim population --arguably an out-of-control level of Muslim immigration-- that 60 Minutes in one of their news stories called "an Islamic aircraft carrier, within striking distance of the United States". Domestic Muslims recognize the usefulness of complacent liberal majorities in the Blue States, and envision absorbing them into a like-minded Muslim-laden Canada.
Has Canada had any terrorist attacks? again you are making a biggoted assumption that all muslims are terrorists. muslims are like christians or jews, people of faith who can be swayed but most of them aren't. you're a bigot and only a few lines of reasoning away from saying aborting black babies would lower the crime rate.
Liberals in the U.S., with their contempt-filled divisive rhetoric, passively support the goals of those who wish to not just divide us politically, but envision splitting the nation territorially.
Like your post above? Like every post you make? In fact most of the divisivness has come from conservatives. Bush attacked Kerry because he was "liberal," Coulter/Hannity/O'Reilly use the word liberal like it was a swear word. That's divisive. And I don't think that you get that the Jesusland map is a joke, there's no real plan in place to seceed from the union, okay. And if questioning the actions of the president was destructive to the country then we never would have made it past John Adams. Read your history. Washington was the only truly popular president. Every one since has had detractors.
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Officially "too old for this shit" 15000+ posts
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I don't know too many conservatives who are insulted at being called "conservative." Therefore, it's intersting that liberals would be insulted at being called "liberals."
Why is that?
Are liberals self loathing? Or are do they believe that their views are out of the mainstream and that they can only get to power if they hide them?
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the G-man said: I don't know too many conservatives who are insulted at being called "conservative." Therefore, it's intersting that liberals would be insulted at being called "liberals."
Why is that?
Are liberals self loathing? Or are do they believe that their views are out of the mainstream and that they can only get to power if they hide them?
There's another thread where I've mentioned several GOP candidates who are campaigning as "independents". I don't think their self loathing but more of a case of they know they can't win on their real record.
There is also a divide growing between older style conservatives & "Bush" conservatives. Essentially a disownership of what conservatism has turned into under Bush. Glad I could educate you a bit BTW 
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brutally Kamphausened 15000+ posts
brutally Kamphausened 15000+ posts
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Matter-eater Man said: It's ironic Wonderboy when you use terms like spiteful & contempt-filled divisive rhetoric. This thread is all about some Republicans doing that for political gain.
On the contrary.
G-man and others have simply pointed out that the rhetoric of many liberal leaders and protestors is inherently anti-American. How many liberals don't simply voice a dissent from actions of their country, but instead demonstrate a deep contempt for the nation itself, and take the side of our enemies. And parrot the political rhetoric of our enemies. From the Vietnam war forward, this is especially true.
That is not to say that Democrats and liberals are inherently traitors. When liberals/Democrats respectfully voice constructive criticism and offer a better alternative policy, they are contributing to the dialogue and helping to strenten their country.
But when they just whine, and blindly condemn their country, and sweepingly accuse their military and their President of war crimes and other forms of evil, liberals at that point are giving soundbytes (and aid and comfort, and inspiration) to our enemies.
- from Do Racists have lower IQ's...
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.