*SMACK!* A chair is wrapped around Son of Mxy's head with incredible force as Doc grabs the cameraman as he attempts to flee
Doc Mid-Nite - "If you don't keep that camera on me, I'll "Blackout Bomb" you straight through this table, you little son of a bitch. The only person who gets paid to run around here like a little girl is Now-What-Man".
Doc Mid-Nite turns around and glares deep into the camera
and says "Bibble-Babble, Big-Bingo-Bibbo-Bitch (or whatever your name is...?) I don't got beef with you. My beef is with the "Nowheretobefoundman" and his stickin' me in some Lightweight Division, when he damn well knows that "The
D.O.C" is the man that truly makes the RDCW go round!

He knows I've always been the "icon on ice" just waiting for my singles oppurtunity".
"I threw down the gauntlet. I threw up the three's and formed the Triple Set. I was the one he didn't see comin' up. I came here to make some noise, and if The Good Doctor doesn't get his chance at a singles title soon, he's gonna have to start ringing some heads!!!"
Respect The Set: