((Just moving this, I posted it in the wrong place. ))

*Nw walks out to the ring to no music. He's carrying a gym bag.*

Nw: Hello everyone and thank you for that warm welcome. Now, I know I've been talking a lot about my entrance at Re-Hash so I've been a little worried that Velo may be feeling a little neglected. Let me assure you, I've been thinking about that rotten, not good, cheating lying deleter! You see, we've been signed up for a "don't piss your pants" match where the winner is the one who makes the othert guy piss his pants. No way to cheat, because there are no other rules. Now just in case my dazzling entrace is not enough to make Velo piss his pants, I have a little something planned for him. I'm going to give him one of my world famous beatings, and then I'm going to bend him over and whip out something menacing...

*NW pauses for a moment, and then he reaches into his gym bag and pulls out a baseball bat. The bat is wrapped in barbed wire and the barbed wire has rags stuck to it.*

Now, I haven't soaked the rags in lighter fluid yet, because that would just be crazy, you know? But I will at rehash. If a flaming, barbed wire bat doesn't make you piss your pants, i doubt anything will!

*At this point, an emu walks out from behind the curtains and out onto the stage.*

Damn it, got out of the cage...

*Nw chases the emu backstage. As usual, no music plays as he leaves.*