Our next bout would be a preview of Rehash, as tag champ Doc. Mid-Nite took on one half of returning tag team legends, Punch/Counterpunch: Bibbo! Bibbo's brother, I-Man accompanied him to ringside for this encounter. Fellow Power Trip member, Lothar, accompanied Doc. Mid-Nite, as his tag partner for Rehash, Snarf was still recovering in the locker room.

These two went at it in what can only be a called a pier sixer, as I-Man and Lothar were quickly removed from ringside by the ref, in an attempt to keep control.

Bibbo worked over Mid-Nite with several suplexes and slams in an attempt to set up his famed Ace O' Spades powerbomb maneuver. As he went for the move, however, Mid-Nite reversed into a Blackout Bomb, then quickly went for a Nite-cap to finish his opponent, and the match.

Bibbo's partner, I-Man would next take on number one contender for the heavyweight title, TK-069. TK was accompanied to ringside by women's contenders Butterrican and Stareena! TK asked the ladies to leave, however, fearing the danger that could occur during the match with his powerful opponent.

Anxious to get the match underway, I-Man clotheslined his foe from behind, and went on the attack with several powerslams and suplexes.

The tide turned as TK managed to reverse an irish whip into the turnbuckle, then followed up with a devastating enzuguiri! It was about this time that Heavyweight champ, Bsams returned to ringside to watch the match. TK, motioned for the champ to enter the ring, and held open the ropes.

The champ only responded with an "Ut!" however, keeping TK distracted long enough for I-Man to recover, and hit him with a running kneestrike. The two continued on back and forth until TK managed to hit the Orchepocalypse out of nowhere! Following this move up with the Flying Negra splash, TK took the win, and the momentum going into Rehash!

After the match, Bsams stormed the ring and jumped TK from behind with the belt! Beating his Rehash opponent down and taunting him. TK was saved however, by King Snarf! Snarf hit the ring and went after the champ, eventually nailing him with a Wildsault!

TK recovered, only to see Snarf standing in the ring. As Snarf turned around, he was face to face with TK! The two men looked as they were ready to attack one another when TK extended a wary hand. Snarf looked to the crowd, questioning whether he should accept the truce.

Before he could decide, however the rWo returned to ringside, and laid both men out. The show ended as the rWo celebrated in the ring.

The Madman says: "that's fucked up. that ain't right."