Over the last few years WWE has signed just about every concievable big name talent that had never wrestled for them before (or had but were not big names before),with names such as Goldberg,RVD,Big Poppa Pump,DDP,Booker T,Rey Mysterio & Ultimo Dragon being perfect examples!
Now obviously some of these have been given good pushes & some have been squashed,but there is still one big name wrestler who has not been,and has never been,signed to WWE (or WWF if ya wanna get picky),and that man is Sting!
Now as a lot of you will know,Sting became a born again christian some years ago & said that he had no interest in wrestling for WWF/WWE as he felt there product to be rather immoral,or something like that!
In recent times Sting has wrestled in both NWA/TNA & WWA among other promotions throughout the world so he hasnt totally given up on the business,its just WWE he hsa no interest in.
Now why am I bringing this up now?
Well there has been a lot of net rumours over the last couple of years about contact between Sting & WWE as Sting (Steve Borden) is actually good friends with Jim Ross of all people.
Some rumours have said that Sting had agreed to join WWE but only wanted to wrestle part time but WWE didnt want any part time wrestlers (they already had Nash who was full time,yet only wrestled part time).
Now we have a new rumour & it seems quite strong!
The new rumour is that Sting has once again agreed to join WWE but only if they sign his best friend Lex Luger!
Only problems with this is that WWE are not that worried as to whether Sting signs up with them although they would like it,he isnt deemed that big of a draw.
Plus,they have no interest in Luger as he is in such bad shape right now that he makes the old Lex Luger look like Chris Benoit!
Its admirable that Sting is willing to stick his neck out like this for a friend but its a shame that at the end of the day its the fans who will once again be let down.
Sting has a very large fan base but the longer he holds out,the smaller that fan base will become as people will no longer give a shit when/if he finally does sign!
So heres some questions for you guys:
1:Would you like Sting to sign with WWE?
2:Could you accept Sting signing if it also means the return of Luger?
3:Do you think Sting would work in WWE & is he still a main eventer?