1:Would you like Sting to sign with WWE?
Without question. I like the idea of his gimmick vs. the Undertaker and Kane. But even without any gimmick, it would be great to have the Death Drop replace the Stunner as the most feared finisher. Plus, maybe this would get Rock back into the fold, with another icon to go up against on Raw.
2:Could you accept Sting signing if it also means the return of Luger?
I don't know what kind of shape Luger is in, but from what you guys have said, it's not good. If Sting is asking for Luger to be signed as well, then maybe Sting feels that his friend isn't done yet. Maybe this would get him motivated to give it his all to get back into shape. And I would love to see the return of the Torture Rack.
3:Do you think Sting would work in WWE & is he still a main eventer?
HBK is also born again. Notice how he stays away from the sex angles. It's not that difficult. He is a main eventer. The man is one of the greatest WCW icons. As long as they don't do another Sting/Flair match, all is good. And WWE needs a hero. Yeah, they have Jericho and Edge, but neither of those guys are fighting for the title. HBK is, but, I'm sorry, it's just not working. He's a face and Benoit's a face. That leaves HHH as the only heel. Not good at all. They need to do something to shake things up. One thing would be to make Benoit the sick bastard he was always good at being, and have him go up against Jericho. Another would be to introduce Sting into the mix, and let the crowd decide who the faces and heels are. And don't forget that the tag teams are shit right now. If Luger can get it together, he and Sting can go on a run and really help to get things moving in the right direction. There are lots of possibilities here.
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The Plot: The Secret Story of the Protocols of the Elders of ZionRDCW Profile"Well, as it happens, I
wrote the damned SOP," Illescue half snarled, "and as of now, you can bar those jackals from
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