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Over the last few years WWE has signed just about every concievable big name talent that had never wrestled for them before (or had but were not big names before),with names such as Goldberg,RVD,Big Poppa Pump,DDP,Booker T,Rey Mysterio & Ultimo Dragon being perfect examples! Now obviously some of these have been given good pushes & some have been squashed,but there is still one big name wrestler who has not been,and has never been,signed to WWE (or WWF if ya wanna get picky),and that man is Sting! Now as a lot of you will know,Sting became a born again christian some years ago & said that he had no interest in wrestling for WWF/WWE as he felt there product to be rather immoral,or something like that! In recent times Sting has wrestled in both NWA/TNA & WWA among other promotions throughout the world so he hasnt totally given up on the business,its just WWE he hsa no interest in. Now why am I bringing this up now? Well there has been a lot of net rumours over the last couple of years about contact between Sting & WWE as Sting (Steve Borden) is actually good friends with Jim Ross of all people. Some rumours have said that Sting had agreed to join WWE but only wanted to wrestle part time but WWE didnt want any part time wrestlers (they already had Nash who was full time,yet only wrestled part time). Now we have a new rumour & it seems quite strong! The new rumour is that Sting has once again agreed to join WWE but only if they sign his best friend Lex Luger! Only problems with this is that WWE are not that worried as to whether Sting signs up with them although they would like it,he isnt deemed that big of a draw. Plus,they have no interest in Luger as he is in such bad shape right now that he makes the old Lex Luger look like Chris Benoit! Its admirable that Sting is willing to stick his neck out like this for a friend but its a shame that at the end of the day its the fans who will once again be let down. Sting has a very large fan base but the longer he holds out,the smaller that fan base will become as people will no longer give a shit when/if he finally does sign! So heres some questions for you guys: 1:Would you like Sting to sign with WWE? 2:Could you accept Sting signing if it also means the return of Luger? 3:Do you think Sting would work in WWE & is he still a main eventer?
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Word has it that Luger's running out of money and is pretty desperate.
I'd be interested if they could make it work. If they and he were both really into it, and they gave him a worthy push, the fans would respond (Unlike with Goldberg, who you could tell wasn't into what he was doing). While he's older, he's almost injury free and has always been willing to get in there give whatever he's got. Even when he wasn't all that into it, he still went out there and did his job.
I think he thinks that this might pull Luger out of his downward spiral (and who knows, anything's possible) and I'm sure he feels it would be more fun with his best friend along for the ride. But I think Luger would be more likely to pull Sting down with him. Just my opinion.
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My personal opinion is I would love Sting to join as he was the first wrestler I became a mark for back in the early 90s,and he will always be one of my all time top guys!
I like the fact that in a business like this,Steve seems to be a genuine nice guy and just wants to help his friend who is down on his luck & in a real desperate situation.
I know Steve would give his all as thats pretty much all he knows how to do,he doesnt know how to not give bang for your buck!
As for Luger,I really couldnt give two shits about the man,but if it means Sting signing to WWE,I'm all for it. Lets face it,once they have both signed WWE can push Sting & squash Luger,as long as he's getting a pay cheque he cant complain!
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I'd certainly like to see Sting back in action.
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1:Would you like Sting to sign with WWE?
Without question. I like the idea of his gimmick vs. the Undertaker and Kane. But even without any gimmick, it would be great to have the Death Drop replace the Stunner as the most feared finisher. Plus, maybe this would get Rock back into the fold, with another icon to go up against on Raw.
2:Could you accept Sting signing if it also means the return of Luger?
I don't know what kind of shape Luger is in, but from what you guys have said, it's not good. If Sting is asking for Luger to be signed as well, then maybe Sting feels that his friend isn't done yet. Maybe this would get him motivated to give it his all to get back into shape. And I would love to see the return of the Torture Rack.
3:Do you think Sting would work in WWE & is he still a main eventer?
HBK is also born again. Notice how he stays away from the sex angles. It's not that difficult. He is a main eventer. The man is one of the greatest WCW icons. As long as they don't do another Sting/Flair match, all is good. And WWE needs a hero. Yeah, they have Jericho and Edge, but neither of those guys are fighting for the title. HBK is, but, I'm sorry, it's just not working. He's a face and Benoit's a face. That leaves HHH as the only heel. Not good at all. They need to do something to shake things up. One thing would be to make Benoit the sick bastard he was always good at being, and have him go up against Jericho. Another would be to introduce Sting into the mix, and let the crowd decide who the faces and heels are. And don't forget that the tag teams are shit right now. If Luger can get it together, he and Sting can go on a run and really help to get things moving in the right direction. There are lots of possibilities here.
<sub>Will Eisner's last work - The Plot: The Secret Story of the Protocols of the Elders of ZionRDCW Profile"Well, as it happens, I wrote the damned SOP," Illescue half snarled, "and as of now, you can bar those jackals from any part of this facility until Hell's a hockey rink! Is that perfectly clear?!" - Dr. Franz Illescue - Honor Harrington: At All Costs"I don't know what I'm do, or how I do, I just do." - Alexander Ovechkin</sub>
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Lex Lugar? I figured the WWE wanted to keep drugs out.
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i think there is an interview posted on pwinsider.com where ric flair states he spoke to sting about returning very recently and that he has no plans to.
i would still like to see a dream card wrestlemania where some wrestlers could finally go out with a bang. sting vs the rock, hogan vs austin, goldberg vs steiner, etc.
can anyone tell me where to find early to mid 80's mephis championship wrestling tapes with jerry lawler. i heard he was great back then and feuded with guys like savage,rude, hogan, kerry von erich, and ric flair.
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Believe it or not they show that stuff on TV over here,so somebody must have the rights to them.
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living in 1962 15000+ posts
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There was actually a series of tapes released around 1990 called the "missing matches" series, which mainly featured a lot of that stuff. I had a few of them. The Hogan-Lawler match only seems to exist as a few clips. The Savage tape had the worst looking steel cage I've ever seen. Looked like a giant chicken coop. However, it also had the match where he piledrived Ricky Morton through a table. I know there was at least four tapes: Hogan, Savage, Andre, and King Kong Bundy. Of course, when I got these, I was living about thirty minutes from Memphis. It was also pretty easy to find Lawler's AWA title victory over Curt Hennig on tape in that region.
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Timelord. Drunkard. 15000+ posts
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Son of a bitch. I used to have a site bookmarked where a guy was collecting tapes of old wrestling promotions from around the States from the 70's and 80's. He organised his collection of matches that he taped off of TV and put a call out to anyone online who might have done the same. But, alas, my computer got screwy; and I had to restore from a time before I had that site.  It's probably still out there. (It's only been a coupla years) I remember him having a lot of the Memphis stuff as well as North Carolina and Texas.
whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules. It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness. This is true both in politics and on the internet." Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."
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lordofbrooklyn said: can anyone tell me where to find early to mid 80's mephis championship wrestling tapes with jerry lawler. i heard he was great back then and feuded with guys like savage,rude, hogan, kerry von erich, and ric flair.
I vaguely remember the Von Erich fued. I was pretty young (around six or so) when that happened. It was about the time right before Von Erich went to WWF. I do distinctly remember Lawler playing up Von Erich credentials big time. Saying that he was the World Heavyweight Champion and not just the champ of a single promotion in Texas. He really built up the upcoming match, which was always his strong suit (Lawler ain't exactly the best mat wrestler in the world). I do remember it being entertaining. But, like I said, I watched more than just that one match. I got to see the evolution of the angle as well as the pay off.
whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules. It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness. This is true both in politics and on the internet." Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."
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since the wwe has sorta purchased... everything in the past few years, i wonder if some of this stuff will be viewable on that new wrasslin channel?
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eventually. there has been a bit of an uproar in wrestling tape trading circles. for years people have sold/traded these matches on tape on the net, and recently the WWE has sent legal papers to all these companies and people ordering to cease or face criminal and civil proceedings, while the 24/7 channel is good because it will show this old footage there is so many hours in their vault there are matches that you may wanna see that you may never see now if the bootlegging is stopped....
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on the sting subject John Laurniatis the WWE's new head of talent (not to be confused with Pat Patterson who gives head to talent) had this to say on Byte This: http://www.pwinsider.com/ViewArticle.asp?id=2562&p=1 Quote:
A call asks John Laurniatis about an article on a video game website about Sting being interviewed about how likely it would for him to be coming to the WWE. John said he had not heard that and if he is interested their would definitely talk.
pretty groundbreaking!
actually after reading stings interview http://www.rkmbs.com/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=278572&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&fpart=1 and what John had to say I'm thinking this is never gunna happen. I mean if Sting was really interested he would have known it. And if Sting really wanted to get it done he could but he said it was his lawyers who couldnt hammer it out. Sounds like neither side wants to be the bad guy.
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It basically boils down to the fact Sting doesnt need to wrestle again if he doesnt want to. He does still wanna wrestle as has been shown by his appearances in TNA but he doesnt wanna do it full time or deal with loads of red tape & legal hassle that a job with WWE would entail! From everything I've read about Steve Borden,he seems to be a pretty genuine upfront kinda guy,which as we all know is rare in this business! He's not a lying money grabbing bastard like Goldturd,which for once is the fans loss!
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like i said if he wanted to get it done he could he shouldnt put it off on lawyers. im almost willing to bet that a sticking point is creative control which the WWE will never put into a contract after the Bret Hart thing.....
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lordofbrooklyn said:
can anyone tell me where to find early to mid 80's mephis championship wrestling tapes with jerry lawler. i heard he was great back then and feuded with guys like savage,rude, hogan, kerry von erich, and ric flair.
Shit, I wish I saw this earlier. This guy probably isn't coming back to these boards...
Anyways, John McAdam has hundreds of hours of Jerry Lawler matches on tape. He's got the "Empty Arena" match between Lawler and Terry Funk on like fifty different tapes, which is good 'cause that match should be required viewing for any wrestling fan. He's also got the Andy Kaufman stuff and thousands of other great tapes. By far my favorite wrestling tape site on the Web.
Bobo Kaufampshen said:
grimm or doc should know
I'm quite offended that you didn't drop my name. How else does someone as young as me know so much about wrestling history? 
And that's terrible.
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DROP TOEHOLD 25+ posts
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What a slobberknocker!
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cobra kai 15000+ posts
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Kristogar Velo said: I'm quite offended that you didn't drop my name.
i'd love to drop your name!
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Nowhereman said: It basically boils down to the fact Sting doesnt need to wrestle again if he doesnt want to
didn't he also become all sortsa religious towards the end and after the wcw days? i thought i remember him always speaking out about how raunchy and not-for-kids the wwf was.
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I think this was just an excuse,TNA is far worse with its pole dancing girls at every show! Anyway,HBK is a born again christian as well,doesnt stop him working for WWE!
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lordofbrooklyn said: i think there is an interview posted on pwinsider.com where ric flair states he spoke to sting about returning very recently and that he has no plans to.
i would still like to see a dream card wrestlemania where some wrestlers could finally go out with a bang. sting vs the rock, hogan vs austin, goldberg vs steiner, etc.
can anyone tell me where to find early to mid 80's mephis championship wrestling tapes with jerry lawler. i heard he was great back then and feuded with guys like savage,rude, hogan, kerry von erich, and ric flair.
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You're not trying anymore, MisterJLA!
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Owner of a lonely heart - dance remix!
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I'd love Sting to come back. He was part of the reason that I used to prefer WCW to WWF (Ric Flair, Nash and Hogan were the others). If it meant brining Luger back, I'd like that too. I used to really like Lex Luger when he was good, and if he put some effort in and get back in shape the two of them would kick ass.
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I can confirm he was never good!
Me No Rikey Rob, he's a banana queer!
I shit on Hogan!
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Me No Rikey Rob, he's a banana queer!
I shit on Hogan!
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Alright, so maybe Luger was never that good, but hell, if it meant getting Sting back I;d be the first to sign the goddamn contract!
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Sting if brought into the WWE at this time would go the way of Goldberg and the nWo, Vince has a history of burying guys that made him work to sign them.
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Click to learn more... LEX LUGER ARRESTED by Dave Scherer @ 7:59:00 PM on 1/31/2005
The run of bad luck for Larry "Lex Luger" Pfohl continued today as he was arrested on a DUI charge near his Marietta, GA home. According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Pfohl was arrested Monday morning on I-575 on DUI and other charges. The 46 year-old Pfohl was found "slumped over the steering wheel of his vehicle" by police. He then woke up and drove away, only to be caught and charged with DUI, driving on an expired tag, alteration of tag, no proof of insurance and having an open container in his car.
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 I'll never forgive him for killing Elizabeth
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where was george the animal when she needed him most?
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