on the sting subject John Laurniatis the WWE's new head of talent (not to be confused with Pat Patterson who gives head to talent) had this to say on Byte This:



A call asks John Laurniatis about an article on a video game website about Sting being interviewed about how likely it would for him to be coming to the WWE. John said he had not heard that and if he is interested their would definitely talk.

pretty groundbreaking!

actually after reading stings interview http://www.rkmbs.com/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=278572&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&fpart=1 and what John had to say I'm thinking this is never gunna happen. I mean if Sting was really interested he would have known it. And if Sting really wanted to get it done he could but he said it was his lawyers who couldnt hammer it out. Sounds like neither side wants to be the bad guy.