
lordofbrooklyn said:
can anyone tell me where to find early to mid 80's mephis championship wrestling tapes with jerry lawler. i heard he was great back then and feuded with guys like savage,rude, hogan, kerry von erich, and ric flair.

Shit, I wish I saw this earlier. This guy probably isn't coming back to these boards...

Anyways, John McAdam has hundreds of hours of Jerry Lawler matches on tape. He's got the "Empty Arena" match between Lawler and Terry Funk on like fifty different tapes, which is good 'cause that match should be required viewing for any wrestling fan. He's also got the Andy Kaufman stuff and thousands of other great tapes. By far my favorite wrestling tape site on the Web.


Bobo Kaufampshen said:
grimm or doc should know

I'm quite offended that you didn't drop my name. How else does someone as young as me know so much about wrestling history?

And that's terrible.