Green Day's "Espionage" hits as King Snarf makes his way to the ring!Ladies & gentlemen, children of all ages, welcome to that amazing spectacle that we like to call Tuesday Night Havoc!
Tonight is a very special night for yours truly. Why? Well, first off, I have a shot at the Intercuntinental title tonight! And not only that, but it's a ladder match to boot. Now, I can already hear you folks at home saying, "Sweet sassy molassy! This is gonna be one humdinger of a show!" But wait, there's more! This is not just any ladder match, no no! This is a
TRIPLE THREAT LADDER MATCH!! That's right! King Snarf finally gets to lay the beatdown on those two perpetual thorns in the backside, Nowhereman & Joe Mama! I'm sure all you fans are now saying, "King Snarf! That's much too much show for the meager price that we paid! Should we go to the RDCW ticket counter and offer more money for what could possibly one of the most incredible donnybrooks we'll see in our lifetime?" Hell no! Fear not, loyal fans, for tonight King Snarf will kick two asses for the price of one! That's right, I'm serving up knuckle sammitches for wholesale price and passing the savings onto you!
And, as an added bonus, at no additional charge, tonight also marks the start of- drumroll pleas-
The Triple Set Auditions!! That's right! One lucky RDCW superstar has the opportunity to strut his stuff and become the newest member in what is arguably the greatest faction in sports-entertainmemt history! And that's all happening tonight! Auditions! Ladders! Titles! High spots, carnage and mayhem! King Snarf has spoken!