*Camera fades to backstage area.We see PenWing striding through the curtain on his way back to his dressing room.He abruptly stops in his tracks as the camera pans over to Chris Oakley coming the other way down the hall,heading to the ring for his match against Captain Sammitch.Chris is wearing a UMass Minutemen hockey shirt and toting a mike in one hand;he walks right up to PenWing and gives him a glare that could melt solid steel.As the crowd watches the staredown unfold on the Cheese-o-Tron,Chris starts to speak.*

Finished,PenWing?We haven't even gotten started yet!

(huge pops from crowd)

Before I go to the ring and kick the living hell out of Captain Sammitch,let me just answer what you said about our rematch.You said you wanted me to name the time and the place for our next showdown...well,I've got the perfect time and place--right here at the Cheesedome on next week's "Tuesday Night Havoc"!

(more huge pops from crowd)

See you then,loser...if you don't chicken out,that is.

*Chris puts his mike down and PenWing starts to walk away.PenWing only gets two steps,however,before Chris grabs him by the arm,spins him around,and kicks him in the gut.As PenWing struggles to shake off this blow,Chris hoists him up in the air and slams him onto the concrete arena floor with an F-5.Promoters,other RDCW stars,and EMTs start rushing down the corridor as Chris continues on his way to the ring for his bout with Captain Sammitch.*