Backstage, a bleeding and furious King Snarf is on a tear. He's knocking over equipmet, yelling, until he sees his destination- Nowhereman's office. He kicks open the door and slams his fists down upon the desk.
KS: What. do. you. KNOW??
NM: What are you nattering on about?
KS: When Joe ran me down, he was a full-fledged member of the RwO. Now, why oh why can't I help but think that YOU had a hand in that?
NM: Look, I bloody well hate you, but I'm not one for hit and runs.
*King Snarf still looks angry, but then he suddenly breaks into a broad smile.*
NM: What?
KS: You know you're screwed either way, right?
NM: What do you mean?
KS: Well, if you're lying to me, I'll kill you. And if you're telling the truth, then one might wonder if you're the next to kiss a fender.
NM: I still don't see what you're getting at.
KS: Well, Joe Mama got so worked up over me that he tried to run me down with a car, and in the process, nearly took out TK-069 to boot. And all I did was not have a match with him. You, on the other hand, betrayed him, humiliated him, and had you cronies beat the crap out of him. God knows what he'll do to you. *Nowhereman suddenly goes pale and does the Vince McMahon gulp of fear* And on that happy note, I'll see you in the ring! *King Snarf smiles, gives Nowhereman a pat on the shoulder, and leaves the co-GM looking somewhat pale and anxious.*
Madman Marcum: Good Lord! Our beloved co-General Manager is going to have to defend his title against two raving psychotics! It's not fair.
Mike "The Mouth" Monroe: My God! King Snarf promised mayhem tonight, and we're damn sure seeing it!
Madman Marcum