Glover Memorial Hospital
Puerta Mibela, La Perdita
Room 42, currently occupied by one Oswald "Ozzy" Baxter.
Status: comatose

As the sun sets outside of Ozzy's window, the shadows lengthen and stretch. One particular reaches across and flows over the metahuman's still form. Traveling the length of his body, it covers him entirely, leaving him in complete darkness.

The shadows then retract back into the wall as the sun continues setting, leaving an empty hospital bed with the indentions of Ozzy's body in it.

A passing nurse stops to look in on Ozzy and screams when she notices the empty bed. "Doctor Quantos!" She calls to Henry Quantos, also passing. "Mr. Baxter's gone!" she grabs his arm and pulls him to the door.

"Eh? Oh, yes. They said they would be moving him today. Howver, I expected something a little more. . .conventional." He picked up the envelope laying in the space formerly occupied by Ozzy.

"And unless I miss my guess," he said, opening the envelope, "this check to Vanguard International should cover all of Oswald's outlying expenses."


Doc Paragon's office.

"New teammates?" Adem Different asked.

"And a few old ones, as well. In fact, we should be hearing something from, ah, how is Mr. Baxter, Edmund?" Paragon smiled, turning to look at the man stepping out of the shadows in the corner of the room.

Adem shivered slightly as the temperature dropped at Gaunt's entrance. "Baxter? Ozzy?"

"Still comatose, I'm afraid." The Shadow Chancellor replied. "I left him with Ian in London. If there's any change, he'll let us know."

Paragon's brow furrowed as he put his hand on his chin. "Damn. He should've recovered by now, according to his file. This is most unusual."

Adem looked at the new arrival. "How did you do that?"

"Personal secret." Gaunt answered.