A black Rolls Royce drove up to the new Munich headquarters. A young brunette woman -- she looked to be in her mid-twenties -- parked the vehicle and stepped out onto the sidewalk. She then opened the passenger door. A large, lean, regal-looking hound jumped out. The young woman tied a leash to the jeweled collar and walked the dog inside the headquarters.
Penny was at her desk, shuffling papers. "Good morning. Follow me please."
The secretary opened the massive wooden doors leading to Paragon's office. "The Lady Lykopis, Mr. Paragon."
Adem turned to look at the newcomer. Lykopis had long brown hair than curled past her shoulders. Her eyes were a lighter, coffee-colored shade. The lips were a burnt red. She was not as tanned as Fox, but did posses an olive tone that gave her a vibrant, healthy look in her face. She was dressed in a loose-fitting white blouse. There was a wide brown belt, giving her a high, slim waistline, and her khaki pants ran all the way down to her leather high heels. She wore a modest amount of gold jewerly.
But it was her walk that made the biggest impression at all. She walked in a graceful, silent manner that had not been taught to women of good breeding for decades. Her head was held high, her feet made no noise, and her arms moved just enough to hint at the muscling underneath. She walked like a panther -- pacing and flexing in ballet-like movement.
"Good morning, Lady Lykopis," began Paragon. "I trust your journey wasn't too difficult."
The woman smiled. Adem noticed she had a few faint cuts on her face, and a bruise on her neck. "Actually there was little difficultly. I have been staying at my flat in Berlin for the past few days, so the trip was not very long at all."
Adem tried to place the voice. Definatly European, but from where?
Doc Paragon must have sense Adem's confusion. "Lady Lykopis comes to us from Greece. Ancient Greece, to be exact. She posses a rather unusal meta-trait: she does't age. Over the years, Lykopis has trained herself to use multiple fighting techniques, as well as hitting the limit of the human body."
Lykopis nodded. "I have recently left the Strikeforce under Jack Merlin to work for Vanguard." Without thinking, her hand went up the bruise she had aquired on her last Strikeforce mission. "I am hoping to make a useful contribution to the business."
Adem nodded. Doc Paragon looked at the dog. "I thought you were more into ponies."
Lykopis looked down at her hound and smiled. "I have use dogs before in my line of work. It would have been quite impossible to bring one of the horses with me. Besides, I am having Polly bred at the moment -- I need to replace a mare I have lost recently. This jewel of mine is Hecate."
Paragon motioned for Lykopis to sit down. She sat in one of the extra-soft armchairs. Hecate layed down on the left side of the chair. Her ears were still pricked up, alert. "So," said Lykopis, her slender fingers lightly gripping the end of the armrest. "When do we tour the building?"