Fox yawned. "So, when do we get to go to a mission?" he asked, looking at his watch. "It's getting kinda late."

"Not today, Link," Paragon replied. "I summoned the group today to show you the building and let you get acquainted with each other, nothing else."

"Oh," Fox said, looking quite disappointed. Adem sat next to him.

"If you don't mind me asking, Link," Different said, "why do you do this?"

Fox smiled. "Naturally curious, eh? I admire that in a person... Thing. Alien. Whatever."

"Person is fine. But you haven't answered my question."

"I lead a boring life, Adam..."



"No, I--"

"I know. I find that a little action once in a while spices up my otherwise dull existence. I take every opportunity for adventure I can find, and I think this is an extraordinary one. Plus, there's that whole helping people thing. That's... what's the word...?"


"No. Kinda cool. I bet the chicks dig it. Right, Drake?"

"Uh, I suppose..." Marshall said.

"Oooooh, yeah..." Icarus said, nodding slowly.

"You, I like," Fox pointed at Icarus. Even the pilot himself seemed a little surprised. "Now I gotta go to the John. Talk to you guys in about a half hour."

"...these croissants are a pain to digest..." he muttered to himself as he walked to the bathroom.

"Odd fella," Drake commented.

"Indeed," Adem replied. "He's obviously more than he seems to be. He seems to be concealing his true nature. The question is... Why?"